Policies & Procedures Manual
on vendor letterhead and properly signed and dated by authorized representative of vendor must have been obtained. The quotes obtained must be attached with the purchase order requisition. C. Purchases for more than $50,000 may be made from lowest and best bidder after advertising for competitive sealed bids once each week for two consecutive weeks in a regular newspaper. The date published for bid opening shall not be less than seven working days after last published notice; however if the purchase involves a construction project for which the estimated cost is in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), such bid notices shall be advertised once each week for two consecutive weeks in a regular newspaper and the date published for bid opening shall not be less than fifteen working days after the last published notice. A competitive written bid is defined as a bid submitted on a bid form furnished by East Central Community College and signed and dated by authorized personnel representing the vendor, or a bid submitted on a vendor’s letterhead or identifiable bid form and signed and dated by authorized personnel representing the vendor. D. If the lowest and best bid is not accepted then justification including detailed calculations and narrative summary including the dollar amount of the accepted bid, and the dollar amount of the lowest bid, stating why the accepted bid was determined to be the lowest and best bid must be placed in the board minutes. III. Once the purchasing law requirements are fulfilled, a PURCHASE ORDER shall be completed, signed by the Business Manager, and mailed to the vendor or forwarded to the requisitioner (if) requested who would deliver the purchase order to the vendor. A. Purchase orders are typed within 24 hours of receipt in the Business Office or on demand should circumstances require. B. All personnel should note that invoices dated prior to the date of the purchase order cannot be properly processed for payment. An official order is not initiated until the original of the purchase order has been issued from the Business Office and in the hands of the vendor. Employees who accept delivery of items before an official order has been initiated could be responsible for the cost of the purchase. C. A copy of the purchase order is forwarded by the Business Office to the requisitioner to note and file. D. Once the purchase order has been prepared for delivery to the vendor, the funds obligated by the order are entered into the encumbrance system. This allows for access at any time to the remaining balance in any budget line item. This balance reflects the reduction in the budget balance for funds actually disbursed by check for items properly invoiced and received as well as the reduction for amounts obligated by a purchase order. E. Exemptions from bid requirements include: 1. State contract items; 2. Repairs to equipment, provided invoices contain specified information; 3. Single source items approved by the Board of Trustees; 4. Purchases for resale; 5. Any other items exempt by State Law.
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