IRE Statistical Compilation 2019
East Central Community College requests a LifeTracks report on the matriculation patterns of high school graduates within its five-county district. The requested report is similar, in combination, to 2017-18 reports 18-005 and 18-006. However, the College requests inclusion of college readiness data.
Population : Public high school graduates from Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott, and Winston counties in Mississippi.
Years : Academic years ended spring 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17.
Categories: (1) All students; (2) students with accumulated dual credit hours prior to high school graduation of 18 or more; 12-17; 6-11; 1-5; 0 (none); (3) within each level (nested) of dual credit accumulation, students with ACT composite of 29 or greater; 24-28; 20-23; 18-19; 17 or below or no ACT.
Outcomes: First matriculation, within 1 year of high school graduation, to: (1) ECCC, (2) Another MS Community College, (3) MS 4-year IHL, or (4) other.
Statistics : Unduplicated headcount N and Percentage PCT.
A note on dual credit hours – The goal of the report is to continue to gain insight into how accumulations of dual credit hours prior to high school graduation affect community college matriculation. For this reason, the preferred accumulation of dual credit hours would be for all public MS community colleges or IHLs. For instance, a particular public high school in the district may partner with ECCC for dual credit, but may also partner with an IHL such as Delta State, etc. The best case is for the dual credit accumulation to include all providers (without naming providers). However, if this presents challenges for the report, dual credit accumulations for only ECCC are also acceptable. Note: ACT score data is only available for Mississippi public high school graduates who enroll in a Mississippi community college or a Mississippi public university. It is not available for the general population of Mississippi public high school graduates. After follow-up communication with the requestor, average ACT scores of ECCC District public high school graduates will be provided for those who enrolled in ECCC, another Mississippi community college, or a Mississippi public university by the total quantity of dual credit the student earned prior to high school graduation. This approach is reflected in the methodology below.
A prospective cohort design was used in which students graduating from high school during a given academic year are followed over time. Five cohorts were identified for academic years 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017. Each cohort is comprised of students earning a regular diploma from a Mississippi public high school in the ECCC District (i.e., Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott, and Winston Counties). Cohorts were followed after graduation to identify their subsequent educational outcomes.
Cohorts were followed for a one-year period after graduation to determine the extent to which students first enrolled in Mississippi public postsecondary institutions. The following information is provided:
1. The number of public high school graduates with a regular diploma from a school in the ECCC District.
2. The number and percentage of graduates who matriculated to ECCC within one year of graduation and their average ACT score.
3. The number and percentage of graduates who matriculated to a Mississippi community college other than ECCC within one year of graduation and their average ACT score.
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