IRE Statistical Compilation 2019
Percent distribution of core revenues, by source: Fiscal year 2017
Core revenues per FTE enrollment, by source: Fiscal year 2017
Image description. Revenue source HorizontalBar chartwith 7groupswith 2 items per group. X scale titledPercentof function total. Y scale titledScale label. Group 1,Tuition and fees. Item1,Your institution 3. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 14. Group 2,State appropriations. Item1,Your institution 34. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 35. Group 3, Local appropriations. Item1,Your institution 8. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 3. Group 4,Government grants and contracts. Item1,Your institution 46. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 38. Group 5,Private gifts, grants, and contracts. Item1,Your institution 0.01. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 1. Group 6, Investment return. Item1,Your institution 0.01. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 0.01. Group 7,Other core revenues. Item1,Your institution 8. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 5. Shape line,Label: Shape InstitutionLegend, Label:Your institution Shape ComparisonGroupLegend, Label:ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) End of image description.
Image description. Revenue source HorizontalBar chartwith 7 groupswith 2 items per group. X scale titledDollars perFTE. Y scale titledScale label. Group 1,Tuition and fees. Item 1,Your institution $458. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $1698. Group 2,State appropriations. Item 1,Your institution $4799. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $4369. Group 3, Local appropriations. Item 1,Your institution $1171. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $320. Group 4,Government grants and contracts. Item 1,Your institution $6584. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $4247. Group 5,Private gifts, grants, and contracts. Item 1,Your institution $70. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $145. Group 6, Investment return. Item 1,Your institution $14. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $21. Group 7,Other core revenues. Item 1,Your institution $1130. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $642. Shape line, Label: Shape InstitutionLegend, Label:Your institution Shape ComparisonGroupLegend, Label:ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) End of image description.
Revenue source
Revenue source
Tuition and fees
Tuition and fees
State appropriations
State appropriations
Local appropriations
Local appropriations
Government grants and contracts
Government grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants, and contracts
Private gifts, grants, and contracts
0 0
$21 $14
Investment return
Investment return
Other core revenues
Other core revenues
20 30 40
50 60 70 80
90 100
Percent of function total
Dollars per FTE
Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=18) NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the comparison institution. For more information, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2018, Finance component.
Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=18) NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the comparison institution. For details on calculating FTE enrollment and a detailed definition of core revenues, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2017, 12-month Enrollment component and Spring 2018, Finance component.
Figure 31. Percent distribution of core expenses, by function: Fiscal year 2017
Figure 32. Core expenses per FTE enrollment, by function: Fiscal year 2017
Image description. Expense function HorizontalBar chartwith 7groupswith 2 items per group. X scale titledPercent. Y scale titledScale label. Group 1, Instruction. Item1,Your institution 33. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 42. Group 2,Research. Item1,Your institution 0.01. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 0.01. Group 3,Public service. Item1,Your institution 3. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 0.01. Group 4,Academic support. Item1,Your institution 2. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 8. Group 5, Institutional support. Item1,Your institution 10. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 16. Group 6,Student services. Item1,Your institution 9. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 12. Group 7,Other coreexpenses. Item1,Your institution 43. Item2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) 19. Shape line,Label: Shape InstitutionLegend, Label:Your institution Shape ComparisonGroupLegend, Label:ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) End of image description.
Image description. Expense function HorizontalBar chartwith 7 groupswith 2 items per group. X scale titledDollars perFTE. Y scale titledScale label. Group 1, Instruction. Item 1,Your institution $4700. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $5346. Group 2,Research. Item 1,Your institution $0.01. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $0.01. Group 3,Public service. Item 1,Your institution $437. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $0.01. Group 4,Academic support. Item 1,Your institution $232. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $945. Group 5, Institutional support. Item 1,Your institution $1440. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $1796. Group 6,Student services. Item 1,Your institution $1324. Item 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $1413. Group 7,Other core expenses. Item 1,Your institution $6014. Ite 2,ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) $2211. Shape line, Label: Shape InstitutionLegend, Label:Your institution Shape ComparisonGroupLegend, Label:ComparisonGroupMedian (N=18) End of image description.
Expense function
Expense function
0 0
$0 $0
Public service
Public service
Academic support
Academic support
Institutional support
Institutional support
Student services
Student services
Other core expenses
Other core expenses
20 30
40 50 60
70 80
90 100
Dollars per FTE
Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=18) NOTE: For a detailed definition of core expenses, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2018, Finance component.
Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=18) NOTE: Expenses per full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, particularly instruction, may be inflated because finance data includes all core expenses while FTE reflects credit activity only. For details on calculating FTE enrollment and a detailed definition of core expenses, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2017, 12-month Enrollment component and Spring 2018, Finance component.
East Central Community College
Figure 33.
Figure 34.
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