College Catalog 2019-20
that prevents the student from having the capacity to give consent. It is a violation if the initiator has sex with someone the initiator knows, or reasonably should know, to be incapacitated by alcohol, drugs, sleep, or illness. An incapacitated person is not able to make rational, reasonable judgments and therefore is inca- pable of giving consent. Someone is incapacitated when they cannot understand who, what, when, where, why, or how, in regards to sexual interaction. 4. Sexual Exploitation – Sexual exploitation is an act(s) committed through non-consensual abuse or ex- ploitation of another person’s sexuality for the purpose of sexual gratification, financial gain, personal ben- efit, or any other non-legitimate purpose. This includes, but is not limited to non-consensual video or audio taping of sexual activity, stalking with a sexual component, and voyeurism for personal sexual pleasure. 5. Intimidation – Sexual intimidation involves stalking, indecent exposure, and/or threatening another per- son that you will commit a sex act against them. 6. Stalking – Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a rea- sonable person to fear for her, his, or other’s safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. 7. Domestic Violence – Domestic violence includes misdemeanor or felony crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated under domestic or family violence laws, or anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law. 8. Dating Violence – Dating violence is defined as violence by a person who has been in a social relation- ship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on consideration of the following factors: length, type, and frequency of interaction of the relationship. 9. Retaliation – Retaliation is defined as acts or attempts to retaliate or seek retribution against the com- plainant, respondent, or any individual or group of individuals involved in the investigation and/or resolu- tion of an allegation of sexual misconduct. F. Resources & Support College Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault - ECCC encourages all members of the campus community to report any incident of sexual misconduct. Because of the sensitive nature surrounding sexual misconduct alle- gations, the college offers confidential resources and support. Members of the college community have access to resources provided by the College that can provide crisis intervention services, counseling, and academic support. All of the staff and faculty listed below are trained to support individuals affected by sexual miscon- duct and to coordinate with the Title IX Coordinator/Vice President for Instruction consistent with the Col- lege’s commitment to a safe and healthy educational environment. These resources will maintain the privacy of an individual’s information within the limited circle of those involved in the Title IX resolution process: • Title IX Coordinator/Vice President for Instruction: 601-635-6337 • Vice President for Student Services: 601-635-6375 • Dean of Students: 601-635-6267 • Chief of Campus Police and Campus Police Officers: 601-635-6268 • Director of Housing and Student Activities: 601-635-6213 Community Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault – A student who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual misconduct may also contact the following community agencies: • Decatur Family Medical Clinic: (601) 635-2258 • Laird Hospital – Union: (601) 774-8214 • Professional Crisis Intervention Counseling can be provided by Weems Mental Health professionals located in Leake County at (601) 267-3551; Neshoba County at (601) 656-3451; Newton County at (601) 635-3342; and Scott County at (601) 469-2211
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