College Catalog 2018-19


of the following categories (based on term grade point average (GPA)): President’s List......................................................................4.00 Dean’s List.............................................................................3.50 Honorable Mention..............................................................3.00 PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENTS

East Central has provisions for granting credit through Prior Learning Assessments (PLA). To earn credit for prior learning, a student must meet all admission requirements and be registered for classes at East Central Community College. Prior learning credits are not available for all ECCC courses. Credits earned through PLA will satisfy graduation requirements but may not transfer to another institution. Articulated Credit for Career and Technical Programs East Central Community College will use the current Statewide Articulation Agreement for Career and Technical Education from the Mississippi Community Colleges Board (MCCB) to grant credit for Career and Technical courses defined in the Articulation Agreement. The following prior learning methods are available for assessment: 1. Articulated Credit 2. Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations 3. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) 4. DSST Subject Standardized Test 5. Challenge Exams 6. Military Services (e.g., Joint Services Transcripts) 7. Portfolios 8. Professional Certification To be eligible for articulated credit, a student must: 1. Meet all College admissions requirements; 2. Be registered as a full-time student in good standing in one of the College’s Career or Technical programs; 3. Complete an articulated Secondary Career or Technical Education (CTE) pathway; and 4. Participate in a Secondary CTE and successfully pass an approved, aligned national certification or credential. To be awarded articulated credit, a student must: 1. Meet with a College Career or Technical Advisor for the articulated program and request articulated credit, Advisor will notify the Director of Admissions and Records, and The Research and Curriculum Unit of Mississippi State University will provide postsecondary CTE Administrators a list of all secondary Career and Technical students scoring at or above the 70 percent for the articulated programs. Transcripting of Articulated Credit: Articulated credit will be transcripted upon college enrollment. A grade of “Z” is recorded for credit granted. No quality points are granted. Credits granted are not used in computing grade point average. articulated courses will be transcribed upon enrollment at the College; and 2. Enroll in the College within 18 months of graduation from high school. How MS CPAS2 will be documented:


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