College Catalog 2015-16
LAND SURVEYING Advisors: Mrs. Polly Mayes, Mr. Chris Ryals
This program prepares a person for careers in the land-surveying field such as a Professional Land Surveyor, CAD Technician, and Survey Technician. Emphasis is placed on the use of modern survey equipment, drafting software, and the fundamentals and principles of land surveying. Upon successful completion of the entire curriculum the graduate will earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) and is eligible to pursue a Professional Land Surveyor License in the state of Mississippi. This program will also prepare a student for the Certified Survey Technician (CST) program sponsored by the National Society of Professional Land Surveyors (NSPS). Career Certificate – 30 hours DDT 1113 - Fundamentals of Drafting
DDT 1313 - Principles of CAD DDT 1323 - Intermediate CAD DDT 1413 - Elementary Surveying DDT 2423 - Mapping and Topography DDT 2433 – Legal Principles of Surveying MAT 1313 - College Algebra MAT 1323 - Trigonometry SPT 1113 – Public Speaking I Social/Behavioral Science Elective
Technical Certificate – 45 hours
DDT 2443 – Advanced Surveying ENG 1113 – English Composition I Technical Elective (2 hours) PHY 2413 – General Physics I
PHY 2411 – General Physics I Lab Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Associate of Applied Science degree – 60/61 hours MMT 2513 – Entrepreneurship ENG 1123 – English Composition II MAT 1613 – Calculus I or MAT 2323 – Statistics PHY 2423 – General Physics II and PHY 2421 – General Physics II Lab Technical Elective (3 hours)
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