College Catalog 2014-15
Alumni Association Lifetime Membership Endowed Scholarship - Awarded to a returning full time sophomore student who has earned a minimum 2.5 GPA as a freshman student. ATCO Loan Inc. Scholarship - This scholarship is for an entering freshman from Leake County pursuing an academic, vocational, or technical program of study. The recipient will receive $500 for the fall semester and $500 for the spring semester of the freshman year. AT&T Endowed Scholarship - A one-semester $500 scholarship awarded to an entering freshmen pursuing a degree in education or business. Bank of Morton Scholarship - This $1,000 freshman scholarship is awarded to a graduate of Morton High School. The recipient of the scholarship will be selected by a committee composed of representatives from Morton High School and the Bank of Morton. BankPlus Annual Scholarship - This scholarship has been established to provide one $500 freshman scholarship and one $500 sophomore scholarship for students majoring in the area of Business. Dr. Conrad C. Barnes, Jr. Math and Science Scholarship - This $1,000 scholarship is given to an outstanding student and graduating senior who plans to major in math or one of the basic sciences. T. T. Beemon Scholarship - A one-semester freshman scholarship is awarded to a resident of the Little Rock, Mississippi area, majoring in a science field such as chemistry or biology, and planning a career in the pre- med, pre-dentistry, or a related field. Clayton Blount Scholarship - A two-semester scholarship awarded to a freshman beginning the fall semester following high school graduation. Recipient must have a high school grade point average of 3.0 or above. Pleas Clayton andAmanda Breazeale Blount Memorial Scholarship - This freshman scholarship is awarded to a recipient that has maintained a least a grade point average of 3.0 and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree. In addition to high school seniors, the scholarship is open to students who have been enrolled in adult and continuing education and others who meet the criteria. Board of Trustees Scholarship - This tuition scholarship is awarded annually to a student from one of the five counties in the district on a rotating basis. The recipient must have at least a grade point average of 2.5. Dr. Austin P. Boggan Scholarship - This freshman scholarship is awarded to a pre-med major for the fall semester only. The recipient must have earned at least a grade point average of 3.0 in high school. Iris Pellegrene Boggan Scholarship - This sophomore scholarship is awarded to a Pre-Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Associate Degree Nursing major. The scholarship is awarded for the fall semester only. Ernest Harrison Boswell Memorial Scholarship - Awarded to a male, incoming freshman who resides in Winston County. Recipients who receive the scholarship their freshman year are eligible for the scholarship their sophomore year if a “B” grade point average is maintained and full time status at East Central is maintained. Dr. Frank and Bobbie McPhail Bowen Scholarship - This freshman scholarship is awarded to a graduate of a high school in Leake County who is in the top 10 percent of his/her high school class. Denver Brackeen Scholarship - The scholarship recipient will be selected by a committee of former players of Coach Brackeen and by Charlotte Brackeen. First priority for the scholarship recipient will be given to applicants who are lineal descendants of Brackeen or one of the players who played for him at ECJC from 1956-1963. The recipient must be a secondary education major with a 2.5 high school grade point average. The scholarship will be awarded for two semesters. Paul V. and Voncile H. Breazeale Ministerial Scholarship - A scholarship awarded to an incoming, full time, freshman student who demonstrates financial need and who is enrolled in a curriculum which will prepare the student for a ministry in full time Christian service. Preference will be given to Baptist students.
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