College Catalog 2014-15


DUE PROCESS PROCEDURES FOR STUDENT GRIEVANCES Grievances by an East Central Community College student arising from compliance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its amendments, Part H of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and its Amendments, Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and its amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its amendments, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and its Amendments, Age Discrimination Act, Vocational Educational Programs Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin, Sex and Disability and other non-academic matters should first be presented to the Vice President for Student Services. The only academic matters that may be appealed by a student through due process are those that relate to charges of academic dishonesty and perceived errors in the transmittal of grades. 1. The grievance should be written and should be delivered either in person or by mail to the Vice President for Student Services, East Central Community College, P. O. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327; telephone (601) 635-2111, ext. 375. 2. Upon receipt of a grievance under the provisions of this policy, the Vice President for Student Services will schedule a hearing before a student-faculty committee within ten (10) days. This committee will be composed of the Vice President for Student Services, the Director of Student Life, the President of the SBA or his/her representative, the Academic or Career-Technical Counselor as appropriate, an academic, technical, or vocational member of the faculty as appropriate, and a student-at-large. The committee and the grievant may call such witnesses as may be required to investigate the grievance. Further, the grievant may have an advisor present during the hearing. However, the advisor may only consult with the grievant and not speak for the grievant. 3. If the results and/or procedure of the student-faculty committee hearing are deemed unsatisfactory by the grievant, the grievant may appeal in writing within three (3) days to the President of the College who will schedule a hearing within (10) days of the appeal. 4. The decision of the President shall be deemed final with regard to student due process procedures at East Central Community College. The above four (4) steps shall exhaust full recourse available at the College. Records of grievances filed under this policy shall be maintained in the Vice President for Student Services’ office as stated in policy Student Complaints Any student who wishes to make a complaint to East Central Community College about a college program, a service of the college, an employee of the college, or any other aspect of the college should follow the procedures provided in this policy. The student should first discuss the problem with the faculty member, staff member, or administrator involved prior to initiating formal complaint procedures under this policy. If informal efforts are not productive or appropriate in resolving the complaint, the student should follow the procedures enumerated herein. Students who wish to complain about academic or non-academic matters should contact the Vice President for Student Services. The complaint must be in writing and either be hand delivered or mailed to the Vice President for Student Services, East Central Community College, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, Mississippi 39327; telephone (601) 635-2375. All complaints will be handled by the Vice President for Student Services or referred to the appropriate college official for response. College personnel who are not directly involved in the alleged problemwill review the facts and make the final determination regarding the complaint. Students have the right to use the due process procedures contained in policy for all non-academic matters. The only academic matters that may be appealed by a student through due process are those that relate to charges of academic dishonesty and perceived errors in the transmittal of grades. No adverse action will be taken against a student filing a complaint under the provisions of this policy solely on the basis of the complaint filed.


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