College Catalog 2014-15
The total credit that may be earned by Course Challenge Examinations for any individual program of study may not exceed 15 semester credit hours. Students may take the Course Challenge Examination at a cost of $50 per Course Challenge Examination (plus materials when a skills authentication component is required). Each Course Challenge Examination will be administered on pass-fail basis only. A minimum passing score on any Course Challenge Examination will be 75% mastery. The successful completion of the Course Challenge Examination will result in the posting of a “P” grade to the candidate’s transcript. The unsuccessful attempt of any Course Challenge Examination will result in the student receiving no grade of any kind. A student may only challenge a given course one time. ACADEMIC PROBATION AND SUSPENSION A student who fails to pass nine semester hours and to earn 18 quality points during a regular semester will be placed on probation until the academic record meets this minimum standard. If the minimum requirements are not met for two consecutive semesters, the student will be suspended for one regular semester. If the suspension occurs at the conclusion of the spring semester, it may be removed by attending summer school and improving the record to the stated minimum. Deviation from this policy will be made only with the approval of the Academic Probation Committee. The above policy will also apply to all transfer students. CHANGING PROGRAM Changes of Program requests should be submitted to the Office of Admissions, and Records before the end of the Census Date (end of the Drop/Add Period) of a given term. After the Census Date, processing of requests for program changes may wait, for reporting reasons, until the beginning of advance registration for the following term. A student should discuss any proposed changes in his program with his/her advisor. No student will be permitted to register in a new course after the second week of any regular semester.
PROGRAM OF STUDY A student registering for 15 or more semester hours will be considered a full-time student and should follow one of the curriculums as outlined.
CLASS ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES When a student enrolls in a course, the student assumes the responsibility for attending all class meetings, completing all assignments, and otherwise satisfying the requirements of that course. Realizing that from time to time there may be just cause for absence, the College has established the policy outlined below. The student should discuss with the instructor the impending absence before it occurs if possible or immediately after his/her return to class if the absence was an emergency. The student is responsible for all work missed regardless of the reason for being absent. 1. Official absences are those incurred when students miss class while officially representing the College. The College sponsor of the group will post the names of those students representing the college inMyEC in advance, so that the instructors can access these lists and be aware of the absences. Official absences will not count in the total number of absences allowed.
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