College Catalog 2014-15


CUT 2926 — SUPERVISED WORK EXPERIENCE IN CULINARY ARTS TECHNOLOGY — This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studieswith industrial experience. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Six semester hours, 18 hours externship.

DRAFTING AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DDT 1113 — FUNDAMENTALS OF DRAFTING — This course is designed to give the drafting major the background needed for all other drafting courses. Emphasis is placed upon maintaining correct techniques while developing speed. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 1133 — MACHINE DRAFTING I — (Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Drafting.) This course emphasizes methods, techniques and procedure in presenting screws, bolts, rivets, springs, thread types, symbols for welding, materials, finish and heat treatment rotation, working order preparation, routing and other drafting room procedures. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 1213 — CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS —A course designed to familiarize the student with the physical properties of the materials generally used in the erection of structures, with a brief description of their manufacturer. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 1313 — PRINCIPLES OF CAD — This course will use the CAD system to design and draw various problems in the architectural, mechanical and civil drafting areas. Emphasis will be placed on the operations of the CAD system to solve these problems. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 1323 — INTERMEDIATE CAD — (Prerequisite: DDT 1313 Principles of CAD or TDD 1313 Graphic Communication). This course is designed as a continuation of Principles of CAD. Subject areas will include dimensions, sectional views, and symbols. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 1413 — ELEMENTARY SURVEYING — A basic course in surveying dealing with the principles of geometry, theory and use of instruments, mathematical calculations, and the control and reduction of errors. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 1613 — ARCHITECTURALDESIGN I — (Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Drafting). This course includes principles and practices of modern design, requiring working drawings and solutions, typical construction details and specifications for residential construction. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 2163 — MACHINE DRAFTING II — (Prerequisite: Machine Drafting I). A continuation of Machine Drafting I with emphasis on advanced techniques and knowledge employed in the planning of mechanical objects. Includes instruction in the use of tolerance and dimensioning techniques. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 2233 — STRUCTURAL DRAFTING — (Prerequisite: DDT 1114 Fundamentals of Drafting and DDT 1313 Principles of CAD or TDD 1313 Graphic Communications). This course will introduce the drafting major to structural sections, terms and conventional abbreviations, and symbols used by structural fabricators and erectors. Knowledge is gained in the use of A.I.S.C. Handbook. Problems are studied that involve structural designing and drawing of beams, columns, connections, trusses and bracing. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 2243 — COST ESTIMATING — This course includes preparation of material lists and quantity surveys from actual working drawings and specifications. Two hours lecture and two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 2343 — ADVANCED CAD — (Prerequisite: Intermediate CAD). This is an advanced course in the use of CAD software with emphasis on producing drawings. Emphasis is placed on attributes, slide shows, the user coordinate system, 3-D faces, and solid modeling. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit.


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