College Catalog 2014-15
CDT 2613 — METHODS AND MATERIALS — Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines, Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ITERS-R), and Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R) are used to develop classroom curricula in an indoor and outdoor learning environment. Lab activities with the children are implemented during Student Teaching I and II. Three hours lecture. Three semester hours credit. CDT 2714 — SOCIAL STUDIES, MATH, AND SCIENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN — This course provides instructional and hands-on techniques in planning developmentally appropriate activities in social studies, math and science for young children. Lab activities with the children are implemented during Student Teaching I and II. Four hour lecture. Four semester hours credit. CDT 2813 — ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN — This course provides an overview of the development and administration of programs for young children. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of policies and procedures, organizational structure, management, and the Mississippi Childcare Quality Steps System (MCCQSS). Three hours lecture. Three semester hours credit. CDT 2915 — STUDENT TEACHING I — (Prerequisites: CDT 1314-Creative Arts, CDT 1214-Child Dev. I; CDT 1224 Child Dev. II, CDT 1713 Language & Literacy Development; CDT 1343 Child & Health Safety.) This laboratory experience provides opportunities for students to implement experiences planned in the prerequisites and ensures a balance of all curriculum areas. Ten hours lab. Five semester hours credit. CDT 2925 — STUDENT TEACHING II — (Prerequisites: CDT 2233 Guiding Social and Emotional Behavior; CDT 2915 Student Teaching I; CDT 1314-Creative Arts, CDT 1214-Child Dev. I; CDT 1224 Child Dev. II, CDT 2613 Methods & Materials; CDT Math, Science, & Social Studies.) This course is a continuation of Student I, which allows advanced early childhood students to implement knowledge and experience in preparing and implementing positive experiences for young children. Completion of the competencies provides opportunities for students to implement experiences planned in the prerequisites and ensures a balance of all curriculum areas. All competencies will be achieved and documented by the completion of the two student teaching courses. Ten lab hours. Five semester hours credit. COMPUTER NETWORKING & COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY IST 1124 — IT FOUNDATIONS — This course covers the diagnosis, troubleshooting, and maintenance of computer components and interpersonal communications for IT professionals. Topics include hardware compatibility, system architecture, memory, input devices, video displays, disk drives, modems, printers, safety and environmental issues, communication, and professional behavior. Four semester hours: two-hour lecture, four hour lab. IST 1134 — FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA COMMUNICATIONS — This course presents basic concepts of telephony, local area networks, wide area networks, data transmission, and topology methods. Four semester hours: two hours lecture, four hours lab. IST 1143 — SECURITY PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES — This course is an introduction to the various technical and administrative aspects of information security and assurance. This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. Three semester hours: two hour lecture, two hour lab. IST 1154—WEBANDPROGRAMMINGCONCEPTS—This course is an introduction toWeb site development and programming logic. Students will gain hands-on experience in the development of computer programs. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to create a Web site and post it on the Internet. Four semester hours: two-hour lecture, four hour lab.
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