College Catalog 2014-15
PHYSICS PHY 1111 — INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY LAB — (A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 1113 Introduction to Astronomy, Lecture. Co- Requisite PHY 1113. One credit hour. PHY 1113 — INTRODUCTION TOASTRONOMY—A lecture course that includes surveys of the solar system, our galaxy and the universe. Three semester hours credit. PHY 2241 — PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY I LAB — A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 2243. One credit hour. PHY 2243 — PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY I — A lecture course that includes studies of measurements and units, electricity, mechanics, heat, sound, light, and astronomy. Three semester credit hours. PHY 2244 — Physical Science Survey I w/Lab — A combined lecture and laboratory course that includes studies of measurements and units, electricity, mechanics, heat, sound, light, and astronomy. Labs associated with this course contain experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in lecture class. Four semester hours credit. PHY 2251 — PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY II LAB — A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 2253. One credit hour. PHY 2253 — PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY II — A lecture course that includes studies of chemistry, geology, and meteorology. Three semester credit hours. PHY 2411 — GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB — A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 2413. One credit hour. PHY 2413 — GENERAL PHYSICS I — A lecture course covering mechanics, heat, waves, and sound. This is a non-calculus based course primarily for pre-professional majors. Co-requisite: College Trigonometry (MAT 1323) or permission of instructor. Three semester credit hours. PHY 2414 — General Physics I w/Lab — A combined lecture and laboratory course covering mechanics, heat, waves, and sound. This is a non-calculus based course primarily for pre-professional majors. Labs associated with this course contain experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in lecture classes. Four semester hours credit. PHY 2421 — GENERAL PHYSICS II LAB — A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 2423. One credit hour. PHY 2423 — GENERAL PHYSICS II — A lecture course covering electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. This is a non-calculus based coursed primarily for pre-professional majors. Prerequisites: General Physics I (PHY 2413). Three semester credit hours PHY 2511 —GENERAL PHYSICS I-A LAB —A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 2513. One credit hour. PHY 2513 — GENERAL PHYSICS I-A — A lecture course covering mechanics, heat, waves, and sound. This is a calculus based course primarily for students of engineering, science, or mathematics. Prerequisites: MAT 1623 or permission of instructor. Three semester credit hours. PHY 2521 — GENERAL PHYSICS II-A LAB — A laboratory course that contains experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in PHY 2523. One credit hour. PHY 2523 — GENERAL PHYSICS II-A — A lecture course covering electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. This is a continuation of PHY 2513. Pre-requisite PHY 2513. Three semester credit hours
POLITICAL SCIENCE PSC 1113 — AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT — Survey of the organizations, political aspects and basis of national government. Three lecture hours. Three semester credit hours.
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