College Catalog 2014-15
ENG 2613 — FILM AS LITERATURE — ENG 2613 involves the study of current and classic motion pictures as a form of literary, historic, and cinematic expression. Prerequisites: ENG 1113 with a grade of C or better. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit.
GEOGRAPHY GEO 1113 — WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY — A regional survey of the basic geographic features and major new developments of the nations of the world. Three hours lecture. Three semester hours credit. GEO 1123 — PRINCIPLES OF GEOGRAPHY — A course which deals the basic content of geography, planetary relationships of the earth, interpretation and use of maps, elements of weather and climate, regional distribution of climatic elements and the interrelationship of man’s physical and cultural landscapes. Three semester hours credit. GEOLOGY GLY 1113 — PHYSICAL GEOLOGY— The course is designed to help students to more thoroughly understand the physical environment and forces that shape our Earth and affect our lives. It primarily covers the relationships of Earth processes and the resultant rocks, minerals, physical features, and natural resources on the Earth’s surface and in its subsurface. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION HPR 1111 — GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES I — This course is designed to give students a modern concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills. HPR 1121 — GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES II — This course is designed to give students a modern concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills. HPR 1131 — VARSITY SPORTS I — Participation in football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, soccer or cheerleading. One semester hour credit. HPR 1141 — VARSITY SPORTS II — Participation in football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, soccer or cheerleading. One semester hour credit. HPR 1213 — PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HEALTH I — Application of principles and practices of healthful living to the individual and community; major health problems and the mutual responsibilities of home, school, and health agencies. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 1313—INTRODUCTIONTOHEALTH, PHYSICALEDUCATIONANDRECREATION—Introduction to the objectives, literature, and organizations of the profession. Analysis of successful teaching with discussion of the responsibilities and opportunity of professional personnel. Orientation of student to opportunities in the field. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 1551 — FITNESS AND CONDITIONING TRAINING I — Instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercise and activities. Two hours laboratory. One semester hour credit. HPR 1561 — FITNESS AND CONDITIONING TRAINING II — Instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercise and activities. Two hours laboratory. One semester hour credit. HPR 2111 — GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES III — This course is designed to give students a modern concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills. HPR 2121 — GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES IV— This course is designed to give students a modern concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills. HPR 2131 — VARSITY SPORTS III — Participation in football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, soccer or cheerleading. One semester hour credit.
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