College Catalog 2014-15
The Drafting and Design program of study is designed to provide specialized occupational instruction in all phases of drafting technology in order to prepare students for positions in the drafting field. A combination of class work and practical experience is stressed. The Drafting and Design Cluster allows students to obtain skills and knowledge related to several fields of the drafting and design industry. Options within the cluster include General Drafting, Land Surveying and Architectural Engineering Technology. Students through technical electives have the option to be introduced to GIS (Geographic Information Systems). GENERAL DRAFTING Advisors: Mrs. Polly Mayes, Mr. Chris Ryals This program prepares a person for careers in several areas of drafting including Machine Drafting while still introducing students to Architectural Design and Land Surveying. Career Certificate – 30 hours DDT 1113 - Fundamentals of Drafting DDT 1313 - Principles of CAD DDT 1213 - Construction Materials DDT 1323 - Intermediate CAD DDT 1413 - Elementary Surveying DDT 1133 - Machine Drafting I DDT 2343 - Advanced CAD DDT 1613 - Architectural Design I DDT 2423 - Mapping and Topography Technical Elective
Technical Certificate - 45 hours DDT 2213 - Structural Drafting I Technical Electives (12 hours)
Associate of Applied Science degree – 60/61 hours Written Communications Oral Communications Social/Behavioral Science Humanities/Fine Arts College Algebra/Lab-based science
Approved Technical Electives DDT 2163-Machine Drafting II DDT 2243 - Cost Estimating
DDT 2443 - Advanced Surveying DDT 2623 - Architectural Design II DDT 2433 - Legal Principles of Surveying GIT 2123 - Fundamentals of GIS DDT 2913 - Special Project WBL 1913, 1923, 2913, 2923-Work Based Learning
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