lecture, four hours lab. DET 2273 — ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS III — This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge associated with the diagnosis, service, and repair of electrical and electronic systems on diesel engines, includes instruction in electronic fuel management systems. Three semester hours. One hour lecture, four hours lab. DET 2383 — DIESEL SYSTEMS III — This course is a basic course to provide students with an opportunity to diagnosis, service, and repair of general engine operations and fuel system operations. Three semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. DET 2523 — HEAVY EQUIPMENT POWER TRAINS — This course will provide students with basic maintenance and repair of fluid power and hydrostat transmissions used on heavy equipment to include operation and diagnosis and repair of system components. Three semester hours. One hour lecture, four hours lab. DET 2623 — ADVANCED BRAKE SYSTEMS — This course will provide students with instruction and practice in the basic maintenance and repair of air brake systems commonly used on commercial diesel powered transportation and heavy equipment, includes instruction in maintenance and repair of the air supply system, mechanical system, antilock braking system, and traction control system. Three semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY ELT 1123 — COMMERCIAL WIRING — (Prerequisite: ELT 1113 Residential/Light Commercial Wiring and ELT 1193 Fundamentals of Electricity, or equivalent). This course will provide instruction and practice in the installation of commercial electrical service including the types and uses of conduits and other raceways. NEC code requirements, and three phase distribution networks. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ELT 1143 — AC AND DC CIRCUITS FOR ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY — (Co-requisite: Fundamentals of Electricity, ELT 1193 or ACT 1713 Electricity for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration). This course will provide principles and theories associated with AC and DC circuits used in the electrical trades. Includes the study of electrical circuits, laws and formulas, and the use of test equipment to analyze AC and DC circuits Four semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. ELT 1183 — INDUSTRIAL WIRING — This course includes instruction and practice in the installation of industrial electrical services including the types of conduit and other raceways, National Electrical Code ® requirements, and three-phase distribution networks. Three semester hours credit, two hours lecture, two hours lab. ELT 1193 — FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY — This course is designed to provide fundamental skills associated with all electrical courses. It includes safety, basic tools, special tools, equipment, and introduction to simple AC and DC circuits. Two lecture hours and two lab hours. Two semester hours credit. ELT 1213 — ELECTRICAL POWER — (Co-requisite: Fundamentals of Electricity, ELT 1193 or ACT 1713 Electricity for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) This course will provide skills related to electrical motors and their installation. Includes instruction and practice in using the different types of motors, transformers and alternators. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ELT 1223 — MOTOR MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING — (Prerequisite: ELT 1193 Fundamentals of Electricity or ACT 1713 Electricity for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration). This course will familiarize the students with the principles and practice of electrical motor repair. Includes instruction and practice in the disassembly/assembly and preventive maintenance of common electrical motors. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ELT 1253 — BRANCH CIRCUIT AND SERVICE ENTRANCE CALCULATION — (Prerequisite: ELT 1113 Residential/Light Commercial Wiring). This course will teach calculating circuit sizes for all branch circuits and service entrances in residential installation. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit ELT 1263 — ELECTRICAL DRAWING AND SCHEMETICS — (Co-requisite: Fundamentals of Electricity,
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