Heating and Air Conditioning is a postsecondary instructional program that prepares individuals to work in engineering departments or private firms installing, maintaining, and operating small or medium air condi tioning, heating, and refrigeration systems. Instruction prepares individuals to work in a commercial setting performing special tasks relating to designing ductwork, assembly, installation, servicing, operation, and maintenance of heating and cooling systems according to the standards of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers Inc., Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), and Air Conditioning Refrigeration Institute (ARI). Included are air-conditioning, heating and refrigeration devices; equipment, techniques, and systems; and maintenance and operation of these systems. **Baseline Competencies for Heating and Air Conditioning Technology HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY (ACT) FIRST YEAR Fall Semester Spring Semester ACT 1003: Introduction to HVAC 3 CC ACT 1213: Controls 3 CC
ACT 2513: Heating Systems
3 CC 3 CC 3 CC
ACT 2913: Special Projects in HVAC ACT 1713: Electricity for HVAC & Refrigeration 3 CC ACT 1124: Basic Compression in Refrigeration 4 CC Total Hours ………………………………………. 16 3 CC 3 CC ACT 1133: Tools and Piping
ACT 1313: Refrigeration System Components 3 CC ACT 2433: Refrigeration, Regs, and Retrofits 3 TC Total Hours ………………………………………. 18 ACT 2413: Air Conditioning I ACT 2323: Commercial Refrigeration
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
ACT 2423: Air Conditioning II ACT 2623: Heat Load and Air Properties ENG 1113: English Composition I †
3 TC 3 TC 3 AAS 6 TC
Social/Behavioral Science Elective Math or Lab-Based Science ‡ SPT 1113: Public Speaking I † Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
3 AAS 3-4 AAS 3 AAS 3 AAS
Technical Electives*
Total Hours ………………………………………. 15
Total Hours …………………………….………… 12-13
CC Career Certificate Required Courses (30 Hours) TC Technical Certificate Required Courses (Career Certificate Courses + 15 Hours) AAS Associate of Applied Science Degree Required Courses (Career + Technical Certificate Courses + 15 Hours) *Technical Electives may be chosen from the following courses: ELT 1263: Electrical Schematics and Drawings ELT 1213: Electrical Power SSP 1003: Smart Start Pathway – Instructor Approved WBL 1913, 1923, 2913, 2923: Work-Based Learning – Instructor Approved Other Courses Pending Instructor Approval **Technical Electives are recommended during second year fall semester, but may be taken during another semester if approved by instructor. †An ACT English sub score of 16 or higher is required for ENG 1113 and SPT 1113. A sub score of 15 or lower will require completion of ENG 0123 with a grade of “C” or higher to enroll in ENG 1113 and SPT 1113. ENG 1033 may be taken in lieu of ENG 1113, but ENG 1033 will not transfer to a baccalaureate institution. ‡An ACT Math sub score of 19 or higher is required for MAT 1313. A sub score of 18 or lower will require completion of MAT 1233 with a grade of “C” or higher to enroll in MAT 1313. MAT 1753 may be taken in lieu of MAT 1313.
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