October 12
11 a.m.
Luncheon for the Class of 1973 honoring their 50th Anniversary M abry C afeteria Pep Rally featuring the Wall O’ Sound Band, Cheerleaders, Centralettes, and the Warrior football team E ast M all near M abry C afeteria Campus Tours provided by Warrior Corps Student Ambassadors M emorabilia R oom open in B urton L ibrary
1 to 3 p.m.
3 p.m.
Reception hosted by the ECCC Alumni Association B rackeen -W ood G ymnasium (Free and open to all alumni and friends of the college) Reunion Groups Meet B rackeen W ood G ymnasium
3:30 p.m.
Recognition of Alumni Honorees B rackeen -W ood G ymnasium
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Alumni Association Tailgating S outh E nd Z one of B ailey S tadium (This event is free for current Alumni Association members & $10 for all other alumni and guests.) Reunion Groups Meet S outh E nd Z one B ailey S tadium Mini-Pep Rally Featuring the Wall O’ Sound Drum Line and Warrior Cheerleaders S outh E nd Z one B ailey S tadium
6 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
ECCC vs. Northeast Football Game B ailey S tadium
Alumni of the Year will present the game ball and Athletic Hall of Fame inductees will serve as honorary team captains. The Homecoming Queen and her court will be presented during halftime followed by the Wall O’ Sound Marching Band which will present its halftime show.
Tentative Schedule - Subject to Change.
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