

DDT 2123 — FUNDAMENTALS OF GIS (Geographical Information Systems) — This course includes the use of mapping and databases in multiple applications. Included are incorporation of imagery and data into a graphical oriented database system. Also included are the fundamentals of geographical information system techniques, approaches and applications. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 2813 — INVENTOR 3D MODEL AND ANIMATION — (Prerequisite: DDT 2373 3D Modeling and DDT 1173 Mechanical Design I) This course will provide instruction on the 3D applications of lnventor. It emphasizes the development of 3D parametric models and the ability to generate 2D drawings, details and renderings from the model. This course will also provide the utilization of assembly drawings and animation of working parts. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Three semester hours credit. DDT 2913 — SPECIAL PROJECT — This course provides practical application of skills and knowledge gained in other drafting courses. The instructor works closely with the student to ensure that the selection of a project will enhance the student’s learning experience. Six hours lab. Three semester hours credit. DIESEL EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY DET 1114 — FUNDAMENTALS OF EQUIPMENT MECHANICS — This course is designed to provide review and update of safety procedures; tools and equipment usage; handling, storing, and disposing of hazardous materials; and operating principles of diesel engines. Four semester hours. Three hours lecture, two hours lab. DET 1223 — ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS I — This course is designed to provide diagnosis, service, and repair of electrical and electronic systems on diesel engines, includes instruction in general systems diagnosis, starting and charging systems. Three semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. DET 1263 — ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS II — This course is designed to provide diagnosis, service, and repair of electrical and electronic systems on diesel engines, includes instruction on lighting systems, gauges and warning devices, and related electrical systems. Three semester hours. One hour lecture, four hours lab. DET 1364 — DIESEL SYSTEMS I — This course is designed to provide diagnosis, service, and repair of basic engine operating principles, with an emphasis on cylinder head and valve train engine block. . Four semester hours. Two hours lecture, four hours lab. DET 1373 — DIESEL SYSTEMS II — This course is designed to provide skills and knowledge related to the diagnosis, service, and repair of lubrication systems, cooling system, and air induction and exhaust systems. Three semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. DET 1513 — HYDRAULICS I — This course is designed to provide knowledge of basic operation and maintenance of hydraulic systems associated with diesel powered equipment, includes instruction in safety, system components, operation, and repair. . Three semester hours. One hour lecture, four hours lab. DET 1614 — PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE — This course is designed to provide practice in the preventive maintenance of diesel powered equipment, includes instruction in general preventive maintenance of vehicles and equipment. Four semester hours. Two hours lecture, four hours lab. DET 1713 — TRANSPORTATION POWER TRAIN — This course is designed to provide diagnosis, service, maintenance, and repair of power train units on transportation equipment, includes instruction on clutch, manual transmissions, drive shafts, and drive axles. Three semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours lab DET 1813 — AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING SYSTEMS — This course is designed to provide skills and knowledge related to the operation, maintenance, and repair of air conditioning and heating systems used in commercial equipment, includes instruction in theories and operating principles, A/C system diagnosis and repair, clutch and compressor repair, evaporator and condenser repair, and heating system repair. Three semester hours. One hour lecture, four hours lab. DET 2253 — STEERING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEMS — This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the operation, maintenance, and repair of heavy duty steering and suspension systems, Includes instruction in steering column and steering gear, power steering unit, steering linkage, suspension, wheel alignment, and related components diagnosis and repair. Three semester hours. One hour


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