CDT 2233 — GUIDING SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR — This course focuses on the identification of developmental stages and environmental influences on young children’s behavior. Positive guidance principles are discussed and practiced to ensure a productive learning environment. Resources include the Mississippi Department of Health Regulations Governing Licensure of Childcare Facilities, Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines, Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ITERS-R), and Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R). Lab activities will be implemented during Student Teaching I and II. Three hours lecture. Three semester hours credit. CDT 2413 — DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD — This course provides knowledge of atypically developing children, family, and classroom intervention strategies and available support services. Legal, ethical, legislative, and family issues will be explored. Resources include Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ITERS-R), and Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R). Three hours credit, two hours lecture, two hours lab. CDT 2513 — FAMILY DYNAMICS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT — This course provides knowledge for establishing successful partnerships with children’s families and communities by creating respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families while involving families in their children’s development and learning (ages birth to 8 years). Three hours credit. Three hours lecture. CDT 2613 — METHODS AND MATERIALS — This course will introduce Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines, Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ITERS-R), and Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R) to develop classroom curricula in an indoor and outdoor learning environment. Lab activities with the children are implemented during Student Teaching I and II. Three hours lecture. Three semester hours credit. CDT 2713 — SOCIAL STUDIES, MATH, AND SCIENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN — This course provides instructional and hands-on techniques in planning developmentally appropriate activities in social studies, math and science for young children. Lab activities with the children are implemented during Student Teaching I and II. Four hour lecture. Four semester hours credit. CDT 2813 — ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN — This course provides an overview of the development and administration of programs for young children. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of policies and procedures, organizational structure, management, and the Mississippi Childcare Quality Steps System (MCCQSS). Three hours lecture. Three semester hours credit. CDT 2915 — INITIAL PRACTICUM — This course is a supervised practicum which includes a minimum of 120 clock hours of observation and supervised teaching in an approved early childhood setting. The course provides the application of evidence based best practices of early education principles and theories. Students work to create an environment that is safe, healthy, and developmentally appropriate to promote an optimum learning environment for young children. Five hours credit, eight hours lab. CDT 2944 — ADVANCED PRACTICUM — This course is a supervised practicum which includes a minimum of 120 clock hours of observation and supervised teaching in an approved infant and toddler setting. The course provides the application of evidence based best practices of early education principles and theories. Students work to create an environment that is safe, healthy, and developmentally appropriate to promote an optimum learning environment for young children. Four hours credit, eight hours lab. COMPUTER NETWORKING & COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY IST 1124 — IT FOUNDATIONS — This course covers the diagnosis, troubleshooting, and maintenance of computer components and interpersonal communications for IT professionals. Topics include hardware compatibility, system architecture, memory, input devices, video displays, disk drives, modems, printers, safety and environmental issues, communication, and professional behavior. Four semester hours: two-hour lecture, four hour lab. IST 1134 — FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA COMMUNICATIONS — This course presents basic concepts of telephony, local area networks, wide area networks, data transmission, and topology methods. Four semester hours: two hours lecture, four hours lab. IST 1143 — PRINCIPLES AND INFORMATION SECURITY — This course is an introduction to the various
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