

pumps. Two hours lecture. Six hours lab. Five semester hours credit. ATT 1811 — INTRODUCTION, SAFETY, AND EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS — This course is designed to provide knowledge of classroom and lab policies and procedures. Safety practices and procedures associated with the automotive program and automotive industry. One hour lecture, one semester hour credit ATT 2324 — AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS/TRANSAXLES — This course is designed to provide technical skills and knowledge related to the diagnosis and repair of automotive type automatic transmissions and transaxles. It includes instruction and practice in testing and inspecting these devices and in disassembly, repair, and reassembly. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ATT 2334 — STEERING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEMS — This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the inspection and repair of steering and suspension systems on automobiles. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis of steering system problems and the repair/replacement of steering system components. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ATT 2434 — ENGINE PERFORMANCE II — (Prerequisite: ATT 1424 – Engine Performance I) This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the ignition system, fuel, air induction, and exhaust systems. It includes instruction, diagnosis, and correction of problems associated with in these areas. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ATT 2444 — ENGINE PERFORMANCE III — (Prerequisite: ATT 2434 Engine Performance II) This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the emissions control systems and engine related service. It includes instruction, diagnosis, and correction of problems associated within these areas. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ATT 2614 — HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING — This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge associated with the maintenance and repair of automotive heating and air conditioning sys tems. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and repair of heating and air conditioning system components, and control systems. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. AUTOMATION AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY IAT 1113 — INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS — This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental skills associated with safety, basic tools, special tools, and equipment. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Three semester credit hours. IAT 1123 — ELECTRICAL WIRING FOR AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS — This course will cover basic electrical wiring for automation and controls including safety practices; installation and maintenance of raceways, conduit, and fittings; and three-phase service entrances, metering devices main panels, raceways or ducts, subpanels, feeder circuits and branch circuits according to electrical codes. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Three semester credit hours. IAT 1133 — AC AND DC CIRCUITS FOR AUTOMATION AND CONTROL — This course will cover principles and theories with DC and AC circuits used in the automation trade will be covered. Also includes the study of electronic circuits, laws and formulas, and the use of test equipment to analyze AC and DC circuits. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Three semester credit hours. IAT 1143 — FLUID POWER FOR AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS — This course provides basic instruction in hydraulics and pneumatics. This course covers actuators, accumulators, valves, pumps, motors, coolers, compression of air, control devices, and circuit diagrams. Emphasis is placed on the development of control circuits and troubleshooting techniques. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Three semester credit hours. IAT 1153 — MOTOR CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS — This course includes the installation of different motor control circuits and devices. Emphasis is placed on developing the student’s ability to diagram, wire and troubleshoot the different circuits and mechanical control devices. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Three semester credit hours. IAT 1163 — MANUFACTURING SKILLS FOR AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS — This course is designed to provide the student with the basic skills needed to be successful in a high performance manufacturing environment. The course covers 5 major areas of knowledge that are considered critical for employment in a high-performance manufacturing company. The topics covered include: Basic Computer Literacy, Blueprint


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