practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercise and activities. Two hours laboratory. One semester hour credit. HPR 1561 — FITNESS AND CONDITIONING TRAINING II — This course includes the instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercise and activities. Two hours laboratory. One semester hour credit. HPR 2111 — GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES III — This course is designed to give students a modern concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills. One semester hour credit. HPR 2121 — GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES IV— This course is designed to give students a modern concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills. One semester hour credit. HPR 2131 — VARSITY SPORTS III — This course includes the participation in football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, soccer or cheerleading. One semester hour credit. HPR 2141 — VARSITY SPORTS IV — This course includes the participation in football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, soccer or cheerleading. One semester hour credit. HPR 2213 — FIRST AID & CPR — This course includes the instruction and practice in methods prescribed in the American Red Cross or American Heart Association standard and advanced courses. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2323 — RECREATION LEADERSHIP — Planning and leadership techniques for conducting community recreation centers, playgrounds, parks, and school recreation programs. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2423 — FOOBALL THEORY — This course is the theoretical study of football methods from an offensive and defensive standpoint including the fundamentals of blocking, passing, tackling, charging, punting, generalship, rules and team play. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2433 — BASKETBALL THEORY — This course is the theoretical study of basketball methods from an offensive and defensive standpoint, including the study of teaching of the fundamentals and team organization. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2453 — BASEBALL THEORY — This course is the theoretical study of baseball methods from a coaching standpoint; study of fundamentals and team play; methods of teaching fundamentals; team organization. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2493 — SOFTBALL THEORY — This course is the study of philosophies and methods of coaching, leadership, teaching techniques, team or organization, softball strategies, preparation for games, and preparation and care of softball fields. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2551 — FITNESS AND CONDITIONING TRAINING III — This course includes the instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercises and activities. Two hours laboratory. One semester hour credit. HPR 2561 — FITNESS AND CONDITIONING TRAINING IV — This course includes the instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercises and activities. Two hours laboratory. One semester hour credit. HPR 2723 — PREVENTION & CARE OF ATHELTIC INJURIES — This course is the study of theory and practice for the prospective athletic trainer or coach in the prevention and care of athletic injuries. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HPR 2733 — INTRODUCTION TO ATHLETIC TRAINING — This course includes an introduction to the profession, including but not limited to procedural aspects of the athletic training room operations, role delineations, preparation, and competencies with 50 observational/experience hours under a Board of Certification (BOC) certified athletic trainer. This course is recommended for Athletic Training majors. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HISTORY HIS 1113 — WESTERN CIVILIZATION I — This is a general survey of Western Civilization from ancient times to mid-seventeenth century. Three semester hours credit.
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