

INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (IST) Advisor: Mr. Robert Hebert Information Systems Technology is a program which offers training in telecommunications, network administration, and client/server systems. INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (IST) FIRST YEAR Fall Semester Spring Semester IST 1124: IT Foundations 4 CC IST 1143: Security Principles & Policies 3 CC IST 1134: Fundamentals of Data Communication 4 CC IST 1223: Network Components 3 IST 1154: Web Programming Design 4 CC IST 1163: Database & SQL Concepts 3 Technical Elective* 3-4 CC Technical Elective* 6-8 Total Hours ………………………………………… 15-16 Total Hours …………………………… 15-18 SECOND YEAR Fall Semester Spring Semester IST 2224: Network Planning & Design 4 IST 2234: Network Implementation 4 IST 1623: Network Security Fundamentals 3 Required Math or Lab-Based Science ‡ 3-4 ENG 1113: English Composition I † 3 SPT 1113: Public Speaking I † 3 Technical Elective* 3-4 Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 Restricted Elective** 3-4 Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 Total Hours ………………………………………16-18 Total Hours …………………………… 16-17 *Technical Electives may be chosen from the following courses: IST 1244: Network Administration Using Windows Server IST 1613: Computer Forensics 3 IST 1643: Network Defense & Countermeasures 2 IST 2254: Advanced Administration Using Windows Server IST 2614: Windows Security 2 IST 2634: Security Testing & Implementation 2 CSC 1113: Computer Concepts CSC 1213: Visual Basic Computer Programming I **Restricted Elective – May be a Math, Computer Science or necessary academic-based course. MAT 1313: College Algebra is suggested; however, a necessary academic-based course may be added here upon Instructor approval. 2 Technical Electives – These elective courses may be offered Online depending on Face-to-Face course offering availability. See your advisor for more details. †An ACT English sub score of 16 or higher is required for ENG 1113 and SPT 1113. A sub score of 15 or lower will require completion of ENG 0123 with a grade of “C” or higher to enroll in ENG 1113 and SPT 1113. ENG 1033 may be taken in lieu of ENG 1113, but ENG 1033 will not transfer to a baccalaureate institution. ‡An ACT Math sub score of 19 or higher is required for MAT 1313. A sub score of 18 or lower will require completion of MAT 1233 with a grade of “C” or higher to enroll in MAT 1313. MAT 1753 may be taken in lieu of MAT 1313. CSC 1613: Computer Programming I CSC 2134: Programming I w/C++ CSC 2144: Programming II w/C++ SSP 1003: Smart Start Pathway – Instructor Approved Other Courses Pending Instructor Approval


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