

Technical programs at East Central Community College are designed to prepare the student for employment upon completion of the specified program curriculum. Students who complete a two-year program are then eligible to receive the Associate of Applied Science Degree. Students who complete the 30 hour or 45 hour year options will receive certificates. TECHNICAL CORE CURRICULUM (General Education) To complete the requirements for the A.A.S. degree, the students must complete the 15 semester hour General Education Core Curriculum which includes the following:

English Composition*................................................................................... 3 sem. hrs. Humanities/Fine Arts................................................................................... 3 sem. hrs. Social/Behavioral Sciences......................................................................... 3 sem. hrs. College Algebra, Quantitative Reasoning, or Lab Science** .............. 3-4 sem. hrs. Oral Communication..................................................................................... 3 sem. hrs. Warrior Path to Success ............................................................................... 2 sem. hrs.

––––––––––––– 17-18 sem. hrs.

Students who lack entry-level skills in math, English, etc., will be provided related studies. *ENG 1033 - Technical English may substitute for English Composition for the AAS degree, but does not transfer to a baccalaureate. Consult with a faculty or staff advisor for counsel. **MAT 1753 - Quantitative Reasoning may meet some university-transfer requirements, but not others, depending on specific program of transfer. Consult with a faculty or staff advisor for counsel.


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