

Salutatorian Scholarships — For incoming freshmen, a scholarship in the amount of $500 per semester will be available to the salutatorians of Mississippi high schools who enroll full-time at East Central Community College the fall semester immediately following high school graduation. In the case of a tie, each student will be awarded the scholarship. The Salutatorian Scholarship will be available to the student(s) for four (4) consecutive semesters provided they maintain a 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) each semester. Any student who does not maintain a 3.0 GPA and is removed from the scholarship may have the scholarship reinstated by earning the required 3.0 G.P.A. the following semester. Star Student Scholarships — For incoming freshmen, a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be available to the Star Students of Mississippi high schools who enroll full-time at East Central Community College the fall semester immediately following high school graduation. In the case of a tie, each student will be awarded the scholarship. The Star Student Scholarship will be available to the student(s) for four (4) consecutive semesters provided they maintain a 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) each semester. Any student who does not maintain a 3.0 GPA and is removed from the scholarship may have the scholarship reinstated by earning the required 3.0 G.P.A. the following semester. Valedictorian Scholarships — For incoming freshmen, a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be available to the valedictorians of Mississippi high schools who enroll full-time at East Central Community College the fall semester immediately following high school graduation. In the case of a tie, each student will be awarded the scholarship. The Valedictorian Scholarship will be available to the student(s) for four (4) consecutive semesters provided they maintain a 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) each semester. Any student who does not maintain a 3.0 GPA and is removed from the scholarship may have the scholarship reinstated by earning the required 3.0 G.P.A. the following semester. B. PERFORMANCE- &/OR SERVICE-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS Art Service Scholarships — The Art Department awards up to twelve (12) art service scholarships per semester in the amount of one-half in-state tuition to full-time students majoring in art who meet the established criteria. Recipients must: These scholarships are service-based. Therefore, in order to receive this scholarship, recipients will be required to provide service to the College. These services include, but are not limited to: (a) Assisting with set designs for the dinner theater and musical productions; (b) Designing layouts for art shows, drama productions or the like; and/or (c) Serving as studio assistants for all art courses and performing the following tasks: cleaning, organizing, and monitoring the students use of the spaces. Band Scholarships — The Band Scholarships are awarded by the band director to full-time students. The scholarships are awarded by audition for marching band, concert band, jazz band, and Centralettes. Scholarship amounts vary depending upon participation in the various groups. Cheerleader Scholarships — Cheerleader Scholarships are awarded to up to sixteen (16) full-time students who are selected by a committee. The amount of each scholarship is the cost of in-state tuition per semester. Collegians Scholarships – Collegians Scholarships are awarded to up to twenty-four (24) full-time students for Instrumental, Vocalist, and Technician positions following an audition at the beginning of the Fall semester. The amount of each scholarship is the cost of in-state tuition per semester. Music Scholarships — Music scholarships are awarded in the following areas: 1. Declare art as their major, 2. Enroll as full-time students, 3. Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher (excluding dual credit), and 4. Submit a portfolio of five (5) works.


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