

skills need improvement. Any student who has not taken the ACT will be required to take the Accuplacer for placement in English and algebra courses. Accuplacer is an untimed, computerized test that helps ECCC staff evaluate a student’s skills and place him or her in appropriate courses. The approved Accuplacer scores will

be used for academic placement. Testing Policies and Procedures Students needing Placement Test

Any student who has not taken the ACT may take the Accuplacer placement test two times. The second attempt must be at least one week after the first testing date. The student should complete appropriate tutorial work prior to taking the second test. This work may be in the form of any study preparation suitable for improving knowledge in the subject area. Retesting must take place before the start of a term. A student will forfeit the second testing attempt if the retesting is not completed before the start of classes for the term. Students taking the Accuplacer for initial placement and admission shall be given first priority to test. Students who have taken the ACT Any student who has taken the ACT, but wishes to improve his or her placement level(s) may attempt the Accuplacer placement test one time. Accuplacer is divided into two individual tests. A student can choose to skip any of the two test but will not be allowed another opportunity to complete a test that was skipped. Testing must take place prior to the first day of a term. Students taking the Accuplacer for initial placement and admission shall be given first priority to test. Registration for Testing Students may register for Accuplacer at the Success Center which is located in the Mamie Ethel Burton Library. To register via phone, students may call 601.635.6346. Testing Locations Accuplacer is administered on the main campus in Decatur, MS. Fee schedule Testing fees may be paid in the ECCC Business Office which is located in the Arno Vincent Administration Building. The accepted forms of payment are cash, check, VISA or MasterCard (either debit or credit.) The cost for Accuplacer will be $20 for all assessments or $10 for the English assessments or $10 for the algebra assessment. Retests will be $10 for all assessments or $5 for each individual assessment. Students will be given a receipt upon payment. This receipt must be presented upon arrival for testing. Testing Information for Students: • Only students who have submitted an application to the ECCC Office of Admissions and Records will be allowed to take the Accuplacer assessment. • Anyone wishing to test must present a valid photo I.D. No one will be allowed to test without proper identification. This may be: a driver’s license, a military I.D. card or a school I.D. card, etc. Identification will be rechecked after the assessment is completed. • No cell phones, SMART watches, ear buds, timers, drinks, food, or tobacco products are allowed in the testing area. • An on-screen calculator is available for use during the math test. No calculator may be used with the Accuplacer assessments. Cell phone calculators and TI-89 or TI-92 graphing calculators are NOT allowed. • Accuplacer is an untimed test. As a general rule, testing time is approximately two hours.

• Test results are available immediately following the test. • Accuplacer scores are not transferable to other colleges. • ECCC will not fax scores to individuals, businesses or other educational entities. General Information about Accuplacer

Sample questions and student information are available at the following Website: http://accuplacer. collegeboard.org/students. Information on My Foundations Lab (for remediation) is located at http://www.


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