Nine Retire from EC During 2020-21
ment Center, he also taught one year in the Career and Techni- cal Division. He received numer- including Mis- sissippi Small Business De- velopment Cen- ters Director/ Trainer of the Year, MSBDC Policy Fellow- ship Program Fellow, and Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence Board Exam- iner. Westbrook received an Associate of Arts degree from ECCC and a Bache- lor of Science degree in Banking and Finance from Mississippi State Univer- sity. Fortenberry began his em- ous awards and honors State Star, Education
Nine full- time employ- ees retired from the college during the 2020-21 academic year, includ- ing one in De- cember and one in March. The group represented a combined 164 years total service to the college. They were honored and presented resolutions from the col- lege’s Board of Trustees during a pri- vate reception on campus. Spring 2021 retirees included Small Busi- ness Develop- ment Center Director Ronnie Westbrook, Informa- tion Systems Technology Instructor Thomas Fortenberry, Men’s Soc-
started the ECCC men’s soccer pro- gram in 1999. He took on the additional duties as head women’s soccer coach when that program coached both squads until a full-time head women’s coach was hired in 2012. Prior to his employment at East Cen- tral, he served as head soccer coach and math- ematics teacher at Newton County High School. He led started in 2005. He
the Warriors to numerous
accolades including
winning the Mississippi Association of Community Colleges Con- ference North Division title in
ployment at East Central in 1998, after previously serving as district technol- ogy coordinator for the Philadelphia Public School District. In addition to his teaching duties, he served as a sponsor for Phi Beta Lambda. He was selected Career-Technical Advisor of the Year, Lamplighter, Phi Beta Lambda Advisor of the Year, and received the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Excellence Award. Fortenberry received an Associate in Arts degree from ECCC, an Associate in Arts degree from Meridian Commu- nity College, and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi.
2017 and a share of the title in 2012. Thompson received an Associate of Arts degree from ECCC, and Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from the Mississippi State University. LeJeune-Fisher began her employ- ment as biology instructor at the col- lege in 2002 after serving five years as a developmental chemist with Vanity Fair. She also served stints as a science instructor at Kate Griffin Junior High School and Meridian High School. She received numerous honors and awards including Lamplighter, HEADWAE Instructor of the Year, and Academic
cer Coach Kenneth Thompson, Biol- ogy Instructor Sharon LeJeune-Fisher, Philadelphia/Neshoba County Career & Technical Center Guidance Coun- selor Sharon Brooks, Criminal Justice Technology Instructor Shane Williams, and Diesel Equipment Technology In- structor Michael Tingle. Administrative Assistant for Workforce Development Emilie Smith retired in March 2021 and Administrative Assistant to the Faculty Jeannie Vance retired in December 2020. Westbrook began his career at ECCC in 1994 after previously serving in banking industry. In addition to his duties with the Small Business Develop-
–RETIREES continued on page 9
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