ECCC Institutes Additional Campus Safety Measures
ECCC has made several changes to control the flow of off-campus ve- hicle traffic moving through campus overnight to further enhance overall safety and security. Access gates were installed at both ends of the portion of 10th Street that runs through the center of the campus. The Town of Decatur deeded to the college 10th Street from North 5th Avenue to North 8th Avenue that runs between the academic buildings on the south campus and the athlet- ics facilities on the north campus. Access gates were also installed at the north end of Warrior Drive at the campus entrance from Highway 15 and near the ECCC Tennis Complex, and on the south end of North 7th Street between Todd Hall (men’s resi- dence facility) and Davis Hall (science facility) near one of the two campus entrances from Broad Street. The gates, which are outlined with reflective material, are closed from approximately 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. nightly and on extended school holidays. The only entrance to campus during those times is off Broad Street at North 6th Avenue between the President’s Home and the Arno Vincent Ad- ministration Building. North 6th Avenue to 9th Street was converted from one-way to two-way traffic to accommodate this change. ECCC campus police monitor that entrance and also are available to open all other gates in an emergency situation. Gates will remain open later on nights when the college is hosting pub- lic athletics, fine arts, and other events and activities. “East Central Community College has one of the safest campuses in the state and in the nation, and these measures only make it more secure, particularly for our resident students,” said President Dr. Brent Gregory. “As the most residential college campus in Mississippi in terms of percent- age of students who reside in on-campus housing, this limits the amount of non-student vehicle traffic moving through campus during the over- night hours while still allowing easy access to students living in one of our residence halls.” Also as part of the initiative, traffic barriers were installed to close ac- cess to campus from North 8th Avenue at EC Way adjacent to The Alumni House and Todd Hall, as well as access through the Winston Hall (men’s residence facility) parking lot off North 8th Avenue. In addition, North 7th Avenue that runs alongside the back of Leake Hall (women’s residence fa- cility), Smith Student Union Building, and Winston Hall has been converted from one-way to two-way traffic. “There were seven entrances to campus from roads and highways not controlled by ECCC, and these measures will help our campus police better monitor movement on campus during the overnight hours,” said Gregory.
Gregory Selected for PTK Award
ECCC Presi- dent Dr. Brent Gregory was selected to re- ceive Phi Theta Kappa’s Para- gon Award for New Presidents during the honor society’s annual conven- tion in April. The Paragon Award is given to new college
presidents who have shown strong sup- port of student success by recognizing academic achievement, leadership, and service among high-achieving students at their college. Recipients were nominated for the award by students on their campus. More than 500 college presidents were eligible to receive the award. Gregory received the Paragon Award virtually along with 21 other two-year col- lege presidents during PTK Catalyst 2021, the society’s annual convention broadcast live from Orlando, Fla. Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achieve- ment of students at associate degree- granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. A native of Nanih Waiya, Gregory began his tenure as the ninth president of East Central on July 1, 2020. He is a 1996 ECCC graduate and also earned his Bach- elor’s in Physical Education and Master’s in Workforce Training and Development from the University of Southern Missis- sippi and his Doctorate in Community College Leadership from Mississippi State University.
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