Alumnus of the Year Recognition a Dream Come True For Everett
said his father always wanted his chil- dren to receive an education and that all four of his siblings also attended East Central. “My mother and father directed me as to how I should put forth great effort to achieve my educational and career goals,” Everett said. Like many students during the time, Everett also worked on campus while he attended classes. “I attended East Central on a work scholarship and was employed by Mrs. Louella Gordon in the cafeteria on campus. She taught me how to deal with people in both good and bad situ- ations. I learned how to work with and manage people.” When asked about other special professors at the college, Everett men- tioned Dr. Richard Ethridge, Mr. Ovid Vickers and Mr. L.B. Simmons, who he said provided the encour- agement he needed to achieve his degree from ECCC as well as ad- ditional degrees and life success. “I remember the great profes- sors at East Central and their desire to see that I learned not only through class instruction by also emphasizing scholarship and recognizing those who achieved excellence. They taught us the material, but they also taught us to be good citizens.” Everett has not only served his employers and community well, but he has given back to East Central in many ways, included his service on the ECCC Alumni Association Board of Directors from 2003 to 2016, which included a term as president in 2011. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Class of 1964 Scholarship and also attended and supported the Warrior Golf Classic for many years. “Although she didn’t attend ECCC, Rita was the love of my life, and thought that it was important that we support the colleges where we began our education, me at East Central and she at Delta State. She was always supportive of my education and career moves, and especially my work on the
Jerald Everett of Clinton, a member of the East Central Community College class of 1964, will be honored as 2021 Alumnus of the Year. He said of his honor, “Being named ECCC Alumnus of the Year means more to me than all the other awards I have received through the years. As my late wife, Rita, once told me, ‘ECCC is where your career started.’ The excellent instruc- tion prepared me for the advanced col- lege courses and provided an excellent bridge between high school and senior college. This has truly been a dream come true for me.” Everett is a native of Hickory and re- tired in 2021 after serving as a human resources consultant with the Social Security Administration since 2003. He served as a vocational expert to pro- vide impartial expert opinion evidence at the hearing level of the Social Security disability claims process. He previously served from 1997 to 2002 as director of hu- man resources and training for Homecare, Inc., in Vicksburg, where he was responsible for the planning, directing, staffing, and training activities for over 400 company employees in a three- state territory. man Services, where he directed the activities of 4,000 agency employees. He served from 1966 to 1985 as a vocational examiner for the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services- Disability Determination. Everett, who holds two advanced degrees, was the first student to com- plete the requirements for a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Georgia State University in 1977. Ad- ditionally, he received the Master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation and Community Counseling from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1975. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Missis- sippi State University in 1966. “Being selected personnel director for MDHS was a great achievement for From 1985 to 1997 he was director of personnel for the Mississippi Department of Hu-
me,” he said. “Being elected to National Who’s Who in Government Service was also a huge accomplishment.” Other career highlights for Everett include recognition for service as di- rector of the Mississippi Credit Union System, service as a board member for the Educational Employees Federal Credit Union, appreciation for service as director of the Mississippi Depart- ment of Human Services Federal Credit Union, outstanding services to South- east Association of Disability Examin- ers, and service award for 15 years to the disabled people through the Disability Determination Service. Raised on a farm in the Berry com- munity outside of Hickory by parents Robert and Esther Everett, Jerald said he was always encouraged to achieve his educational and career goals. He “ ” Being named ECCC Alumnus of the Year means more to me than all the other awards I have received through the years...This has truly been a dream come true for me.
–EVERETT continued on page 18
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