ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS Yes! I want to stay connected to East Central Community College by becoming an active member of the ECCC Alumni Association . Annual membership runs from July 1 to June 30 of each year. Check a box below to join the Alumni Association or to make an undesignated contribution. Single Membership: $25 Annual $200 Life Joint Membership: $40 Annual $250 Life I’m already an Individual or Lifetime Member, but would like to make an undesignated donation in the amount of $____________ to the Alumni Association. FOUNDATION GIVING Complete below to donate to a Foundation Project, Scholarship, Warrior Club, or to make an undesignated contribution. $_________________(Amount) __________________________________Designated Fund (Please choose one.) ___Undesignated q q q q q What if ECCC had never existed? When I was a shy and nervous freshman back in 1991, ECCC welcomed me and gave me the footing I needed to grow and learn and mature as a young adult. When I came back to work here in 1997, it was a dream come true to return to a place I loved so much. I give back so that others will continue to have the great experiences that I have had as both student and employee. Here are a few other examples of how your money helps. Through the Oliphant-Martin Faculty Excellence Endowment, the Foundation provides monetary awards to outstanding faculty and staff members, and the Oliphant-Martin Faculty Excellence Grant also awards up to $20,000 each year to selected academic, healthcare and career & technical programs that apply for and qualify for the funds in order to meet special classroom needs that aren’t attainable through regular annual budgets. Our athletic teams also rely heavily on the additional support received through The Warrior Club, a division of the Foundation, to supplement program and travel needs for student-athletes in both the regular and postseason. The Alumni Association also supports our students by providing free giveaways and sponsoring activities throughout the year. Additionally, numerous students are able to afford college each year because of the generosity of those who have donated to our Endowed and Annual Scholarship funds. If you have a particular area that is most important to you, you may designate your funds to specific accounts, or by donating to Unrestricted Funds, we are able to help many different areas as soon as a need arises. Whatever your story, whatever path led you to East Central Community College, I encourage you to give back. Even if it’s just a small amount each month or a one-time donation, it makes a difference. Thank you all so much! East Central Community Col- lege May gr duates Brian Pace and Courtney Gill were named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa All- Mississippi Community College Academic Team. The All-Mississippi Community College Academic Team recog- nizes scholarly achievements and leadership accomplishments of students enrolled in the state’s two-year colleges. Pace was named to th First Team and Gill was a Second Team hon ree. A graduate of Neshoba Central Fame for 2020-21. A graduate of Leake Acad- emy and an engineering major, Gill served as president of the Student Body Association, was 2020 Homecoming Queen, and member of Warrior Corps, Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Beta Lambda, President’s Council, women’s tennis team, and Student-Athlete Advisory Council. Both honorees received medal- lions, certificates, and printed resolutions from the Mississippi Senate and House of Representa- tives. Pace, Gill Named to PTK All-Mississippi Academic Team PACE High School and a business-marketing major, Pace served as president of Phi Theta Kappa honor society, and was a member of Phi Beta Lambda business education organiza- tion, President’s Council, Warrior Corps, and Men of Dignity. He was one of six inductees into the ECCC Student Hall of The All-Mississippi Academic Team program is coordi- nated by Phi Theta Kappa, Mississippi Association of Com- munity Colleges, and Mississippi Community College Board. PTK is the international honor society for two-year colleges.
Foundation Projects Annual Fund Unrestricted
Warrior Club-Athletics Undesignated Baseball Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Football Golf Men’s Soccer Women’s Soccer Softball Men’s Tennis Women’s Tennis
Football Operations Center (Warrior Hall) Oliphant-Martin Faculty Excellence Fund Other: Please designate desired fund you wish to con- tribute to: Scholarships Please designate desired fund you wish to contribute to:
Name: ________________________________________________________ (Maiden): ____________________________ Class Year/Years Attended: _______________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ To pay by credit or debit card, join online at www.eccc.edu/estore and click on Alumni Contributions for membership giving or Annual Fund for undesignated giving, or mail the above form with payment to ECCC Alumni Association, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327. Make checks payable to ECCC Alumni Association for Alumni dues or to the ECCC Foundation for Foundation giving.
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