standout Johnson signs with East Tennessee Stare - The Di ...
http:/1www.cdispatch.com/sports:article.asp?a1d -12 I 5S
Johnson said the opportunity to play v.ith Mississippi State signce Malik Newman on the Jackson Tigers Amateur Athletic Union team for the past two years aided his confidence and enabled him to sho\\'case his skills to a bigger audience. After waiting for so long to ha"e colleges come calling, Johnson is eager to sho" he can handle the "big challenge" of going to the Di,ision I Je,·el.
"I want to work on my shooting and ballhandling and getting bigger," Johnson said. "I ha,·e to get bigger. They said the) are going to get me bigger and stronger."
Follow Dispatch sports editor Adam Minichino on T''itter @ctsportseditor
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