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Warriors swept at home By ECCC Sports information
fifth, when the Bulldogs took the lead for good, scoring two runs on two hits, two East Central errors and a wild pitch. Michael Davis was 2-3 at the platewith two doubles and two runs scored to lead the War– riors. Matt Mitchell also had lwo doubles in four trips to the plate. T.J. Lockett was 2-3with an RBI, and Ben Cooley tripled in a run in the contest. Josh Carpenter was chargrowith the loss, working one and two thirds innings on the mound
In Game 2, Easl Central jumped out to an early 3-0 lead in the first inning but could not hold on in the 12-8 loss. The Warriors managed 13 hits, including three from Rea– gan Warren, who also bad three RBis, and three hits from Lockett. Davis, Cody Daigle and Will Kennedy each had two hits. Davis had a two-run triple in the bottom of the first inning. SevenWarrior pitchers gave up 17 hits in the nightcap. Pey– ton Cainwas credited with the loss.
East Central Community College dropped a double– header in Decatur April 14 to lbe Mississippi Gull Coast Community College Bulldogs by scores of 7-4 and 12-8. With the losses, the War– riors fall to 21-13 overall and 14-8 in MississippiAssociation of Community and Junior Col– leges league play. EastCentral dropped Game 1, 7-4 despite out-hittingGulf Coast 10-9. The gamewas tied 2-2 going into the top of the
ECCC's Joiner finishes 2nd, Warriors place 5that state golf championship
the MACJC State Champi– onship with a two-day total of 19-<>ver par 595 (293, 302). The Warriors stood in third place after the first round on April 18. Mississippi Gulf Coast Com– munity College was crowned MACJC StateChampions after shootinga six-under par 570 as a team. Other East Central golfers participating in the state cham– pionship includedTristanHer– nandez. 149 (74. 75): Hammon . liH (79. 75) Karl– ton Ginn. ::., 75. 79): and
Hammons shot rounds of 73 and 72 to earn All-Tournament Team honors. Other East Central golfers participating included Tristan Hernandez, 150 (74. 76): Karl– ton Ginn, 156 ( 0, 76}: Andrew Joiner, 161 (84. 77): and Nathan 'ance. 163 ( . Ti).
By ECCC Sports infOrmation
East Central Community College's Andrew Joiner Fin– ishes 2nd. Warriors 5th at • State Championship East Central Community College'sAndrewJoiner fired a one-under par 143 to finish tied for second in the Mississippi Association ofCommunity and Junior Colleges State Golf Championshipheld April 18-19 at Lion Hills in Columbus. Joiner shot rounds of 70 and 73. lli... p .-f '"manC'e during lhe cha.II:Pi"o n.~,hlp qualified
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• , Goon:_. . wi. r ··ut-:..e. E&.c Central goUer Zack Hammons also qualified for the Region 23 Champi– onship based on his scoring av– erage for the year. As a team, theWarriors fin– ished in fifth place overall at
lnll tre hman golfer Zack Hammons of Raleigh shot a : - _ one-over par 145 over 36 holes to finish tied for fourth place in __:::: : ::- the.
The Warriors finished fifth overall. with a score of 612 (311, 301).
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