C baseball grabs two in Rush tourney
ParkviewBaptist inAddis, La., Michael Davi of Clinton, and Dylan Snype of Wayne County, each with a single. McCullouch had two RBis and Davis registered one. Scoring runs were Cooley (2) and Hunter Thrower (2) of Southeast Lauderdale, Daigle and McCullouch. Starter Colby Eaves of NanihWaiya got thewin. The right-hander allowed no earned runs on four hits through six innings. He fanned two batters and walked two. East Central took an early 1- 0 lead in the first inning and scored two runs in the bottom ofthe ninth to claim thevictory in game two. Little was the offensive leader scoringone run on two hits, including a double and a single. He also had two RBis. Additional hitterswere Coo– ley and Thrower, each with two sing1es; and Daigle and Lane Farende of Pearl River Central, each with a single. Cooleyalso scored two runs. Fazende was the winning pitcher and allowed no runs and no hits in the game's final
two innings. He sn·uckout one batter. Starter \Vill Myers held on for seven innings, allowingone earned run on four hits. He fanned sixbatters andwalked three. The Diamond Warriors were scheduled to play East Mississippi Community Col– lege Wednesday, Feb. 25, but the game has been canceled due to expected inclement weather. East Central hosts ItawwnbaCommunityCollege and Southeast Iowa Commu– nity College Friday, February 28 at the Clark-Gay Baseball Complex on the Decatur cam– pus. EC's Diamond Warriors begin Friday's action with an 11 am. matchup against Southeast Iowa, followed by a 2 p.m. game against Itawamba.. Itawamba and Southeast Iowa battle at 4:30 p.m. East Central's baseball pro– gram is led bybead coachNeal Holliman and assistant Jake Romll.
ECCC softball sweeps twin bill withAlabama Southern East Central Community College's Lady Diamond War– riors jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the first inning and ex– ploded for seven runs in the second to defeated Alabama Southern Community College 9-0 in game one of a double– header Tuesday, Feb. 17, on the Decatur Campus. ECCC completed the sweep by de– feating the Lady Eag1es 7-2 in game two. ECCC now holds an 8-2 overall record. Caitlyn Aldous was the of– fensive leader for the Lady Wa.ITiors in game one. She had a double and single and three RBis. Other hitters were Anna Katherine Nowell of Leake Academy, double and single; Andi Hannaford, a product of MagnoliaHeights School , and Karoline Holsonback of South Lamar High School in Kennedy, Ala, each with a double; and Maegen Ellis of Oak Hill Academy in West Point. and Mahalia Gibson of OakGro\1!. e.acb \\1th a single.
Central Commu– ~ baseball team bed pair of '1iins dw'ing Ru-.h Imitational IPnl~n,,>nt held Friday and Feb 20-21. on the r can·pus. Games ~..it:UulJt:U .for 5unday were ed du lo inclement
"amors defeated Jeff ( mmunity College 6-1 ne and held on for a ~'4 f aulkner State urut~ Coll~ in the cap. Cooley tallied t\vo RBis hits, including a dou–
d two ingles, to lead the or offense in game one. ~ i a sophomore out– r/pitchcr and a product th Jones High School er hitters were Chance \ Wtten of SouthPanola, dou- and singte; Kyle McCul- 1 ueh of ,\Judison Ridgeland cadem). double; and Dylan Little, a product of Mary G. 1 ntgomcry High School in
Ala , Cod) Duigle of
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