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ing among the state's very best in the numbc1· of GEDs awarded. Stewart noted, however, that the report card identified areas of improvement for the college. "We look forward to working with faculty, staff, and students to improve in those areas as ECCC strives to become nationally recog– nized and locally preferred," be said. "The overall results of the Report Card demon– strate that ECCC is making progress in many areas that enable our students to expe– rience an excellent postsec– ondary education right here at home." The 2013 Performance Pro– file (Report Card) for ECCC can be found on lbe college's website at www.eccc.edu.
foul'-year institutions. In the overall summary measure– ment of student success, ECCC achillved elite status. Another category of excel– IC'nt comparative sll'ength for ECCC within credit prog1·ams wus overall student retention (frec.;Junan students progress– ing in C'nrollment to the ne.'.\.1. year), particularly in pre-bac– calaureate programs. In workforce trainingactiv– ities. the data reveals ECCC continued to be a leader in the number of indhiduals served, and ranked in the top third in the state in the num– ber of individuals experienc– ing increases in wages subs<'qucnt to training. Jn addition ECCC contin– ued lo display u commitment to outreach and excellence in the awarding of GEDs, plac-
leges. Information contained in the report includes student enrollment., dcbrrees awarded, student success, student retention, student progress, workforce develop– ment information. and GED and adult basic education statistics. as well as enroll– ment and success in remedial coursework (college readi– ness). In the 2013 Community College Report Ca.rd, ECCC compared well against state averages in numerous cate– gories. In the cmcial category of Student Success, ECCC ex– celled in the area of on~rall graduation rates, particu– larly amcfng pre-bacealaure– ate and technical students. Also evident is.'ECCC's top– tier performance in prcpaJ'– ing students to tl'ansfer to
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