2015 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
Mowdy signs with MVSU
East Central Community College pitcherZachMowdy ofUnion (seated, center) has signed a national letter of intent to continue bis baseball career at Mississippi Valley State Gni"·erslty in Itta Bena. The &-foot, 1-inch lefthander who prepped at Union High School is shown with his parents SeanMowdy and AmandaMowdyand ECCC Head Baseball Coach Neal Holllman (standing). "Zach had an arm injury his soph– omore year that hampered him, throughout the year, but due to his desire to play waited until after the season to liave surgery," said Holliman. "Zach's love and com– mitment to East Central baseball will always be appreciated and he will always be a \Varrior." EC Photo
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MERID 1 AN STAR --------
~ -~---~ ECCC's Myers gets all-stat Eust Central Commu– next season.
nod wt•re: Daigle, most valu· able player; Myers, mos t valuable pitcher ; Cooloy, ', 1110Ht valuable defonHi vc ~ player; freshman inlil'ld1~ 1 Dylan Snypes of Stal.( Line and Wayne Count y High School and frcAli · man outfielder Rea"'a11 Warren of Conehatta und Newton County Ili g h School, co-most improvt~d players; Myers and sopho more outfielder Chanct• Whitten, co-recipients of the Jamie Clark Memori al Award for Baseball ; and Whitte n , Scholnr– Athlete Award. Whitten has signed to continue his career at Mississippi Col– lege. Davis received the first Most Competitive Award voted on by the coaches.
~ 7- 0:: ':>
DuviH, a prnducL f Clinton High School , hi .323 with 20 RB Is . 1:1 had only four c rro1·t1 i 1 276 attempts. Fazende, a product 1 Pearl River Central ll1f!I School, hit .442 in .ia o bats with nine RBI A. II also was 2-1 on Ih mound with a 2.6 1rn1\ and 23 strikeouts in n innings. He will conti111; his career at Willi111 Carey. Little, a produc t i Mary G. Montgonwr High School, hit .348 wiln 25 RBis and a team-lt•m ing 47 singles. He wil l continue his career at th University of West Aluh ma. Receiving team award voted on by the pl ayu1
niLy College pitcher Will Myers of Philadelphia has been name d fir s t t eam Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges All-State for his play this season. Myers was 4-2 on the mound for the Diamond Warrior s, with a 3.0 earned r un average. He struck out 72 batters in 67 innings of work. The lefthande~ who prepped at Leake Acade– my, was named Lhe MACJC P itche r of the Week for April 27 Lo May 3. He was 2-0 during Lhat week, including a no hit– ter against Jones County Junior College. Myers will play for the University of Alabama in Hun tsv il1<•
Named second team MACJ C All-State were sophomore outfielder Ben Cooley of Hattiesburg , sophomore infielder Cody Daigl e of Addi s, La., freshman catcher Michael Davis of Clinton, sopho– more pitcher/catcher Lane Fazende of Carriere, and sophomor e infie lder Dyla n Little of Semmes, Ala. Cooley, a product of South Jones High School, hit .331 for the Warriors . this season, with 23 RBis. He was errorless i n the fi eld on 92 attempts. He will continue his baseball career at the University of North Alabama. Daigle, a product of Parkview Baptist High
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MYERS School, hit .356 for ECCC wi th a team leading 34 RBis, 17 doubles, and six home ru ns. He will play for Louisiana Tech next season.
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I ~~.~, ,:?.vances oot3~5~~~ile~~at~f!~~i~~i~~:nt Central closed out the 2015 cam- Thomas smashed his second homer The Meridian Community Col– paign with a 25-17 overall record. of the weekend - a two-run shot in
The 2015 MACJC StateTournament is scheduled to begin on Thursday and more information will be avail- able on the schedule for the tourna- MCC won the series in Game 3 behind a complete game perform– ance on the mound from Neshoba Central standout Austin Harrison. The Eagles finished the run-rule vic– tory in the bottom of the seventh inning with three runs. Harrison (5- 2) tossed seven innings, scattered five hits, allowed one run and col– lected two strikeouts in the effort. MCC finished Game 3 with 10 hits overall, and Kyle Bayles led the team at the plate with three hits and four RBis. Matt Berler added a pair \ ment at a later time.
the bottom of the fifth. Michael Druhan also drove in two runs on a couple of hits, and GooseYates added a double in the game for the MCC was forced to play the third game of the series after falling in the opening game on Saturday by a final score of 14-1 which was called due to a run rule. MCC only managed four hit· in the losing effort and wa" led at the plate by Goose Yates with an RBI single. Matt Berler, Scott Votaw, and Andrew Crook were respo~tblf for the remaining three hits in Gamt Two. Jake Smith (3-2) suffered the loss on the mound in Game 2 for fuf Eagles after working three inning and allowing four earned rune::. Eagles.
legt Eagles had to work overtime . Saturday afternoon to advance to the nex1 round of the post~eason against East Central Community College. The Eagles dropped a tough 14-1 decision in Game 2 of its best--0f– three series with the Warriors, but rebounded in decisive third game to defeat ECCC 11-1. The series victory now advances :\1CC to the 2015 MACJC StateTour– nament which will be played next week on the campus of Hinds Com– munity College in Raymond.The tournament will consist of four teams which include: MCC, Hinds, North– west fi...... 1 ...... ipp1 and East Missis– sippi. MCC pushed its overall record
Homer gives
MCCwin vs. ECCC From school report~ The Meridian Commu– nity College Eagles had to dig down deep in th.e late innings on Fnday night at Scaggs Field in the opening round of th~ MACJC playoffs agamst East Central Community College. The Warriors led for the entire game, but in the bottom of the eighth inning, things changed quickly in the favor of the home team. Sophomore Dalton Thomas smashed a two-run home run over the wall in center field to propel MCC to a dramatic 7-6 victory over East Cen– tral. The victory give:- the green and white a l-0 lead in the three-game set against the Warriors. with Game 2 taking place at 2 p.m. today. Game 3. if nec– essarr. willfollow. Sophomore Bryant Johnston (9-1) had another solid outin~ for the Eagles from the bullpen. pitching 5 _'! l"J innings and collectm-;: four -.trikeout -. t o grab th win ] ... c ter ereo
bullpen t 0 r Ea:.t Lentral after surrendering the home run in the eighth inning to Thomas. - -,'P'. , , . ...
WEEKOF~-)~4T' ~t ------~
Warriors swept at home By ECCC Sports information
fifth, when the Bulldogs took the lead for good, scoring two runs on two hits, two East Central errors and a wild pitch. Michael Davis was 2-3 at the platewith two doubles and two runs scored to lead the War– riors. Matt Mitchell also had lwo doubles in four trips to the plate. T.J. Lockett was 2-3with an RBI, and Ben Cooley tripled in a run in the contest. Josh Carpenter was chargrowith the loss, working one and two thirds innings on the mound
In Game 2, Easl Central jumped out to an early 3-0 lead in the first inning but could not hold on in the 12-8 loss. The Warriors managed 13 hits, including three from Rea– gan Warren, who also bad three RBis, and three hits from Lockett. Davis, Cody Daigle and Will Kennedy each had two hits. Davis had a two-run triple in the bottom of the first inning. SevenWarrior pitchers gave up 17 hits in the nightcap. Pey– ton Cainwas credited with the loss.
East Central Community College dropped a double– header in Decatur April 14 to lbe Mississippi Gull Coast Community College Bulldogs by scores of 7-4 and 12-8. With the losses, the War– riors fall to 21-13 overall and 14-8 in MississippiAssociation of Community and Junior Col– leges league play. EastCentral dropped Game 1, 7-4 despite out-hittingGulf Coast 10-9. The gamewas tied 2-2 going into the top of the
ECCC's Joiner finishes 2nd, Warriors place 5that state golf championship
the MACJC State Champi– onship with a two-day total of 19-<>ver par 595 (293, 302). The Warriors stood in third place after the first round on April 18. Mississippi Gulf Coast Com– munity College was crowned MACJC StateChampions after shootinga six-under par 570 as a team. Other East Central golfers participating in the state cham– pionship includedTristanHer– nandez. 149 (74. 75): Hammon . liH (79. 75) Karl– ton Ginn. ::., 75. 79): and
Hammons shot rounds of 73 and 72 to earn All-Tournament Team honors. Other East Central golfers participating included Tristan Hernandez, 150 (74. 76): Karl– ton Ginn, 156 ( 0, 76}: Andrew Joiner, 161 (84. 77): and Nathan 'ance. 163 ( . Ti).
By ECCC Sports infOrmation
East Central Community College's Andrew Joiner Fin– ishes 2nd. Warriors 5th at • State Championship East Central Community College'sAndrewJoiner fired a one-under par 143 to finish tied for second in the Mississippi Association ofCommunity and Junior Colleges State Golf Championshipheld April 18-19 at Lion Hills in Columbus. Joiner shot rounds of 70 and 73. lli... p .-f '"manC'e during lhe cha.II:Pi"o n.~,hlp qualified
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• , Goon:_. . wi. r ··ut-:..e. E&.c Central goUer Zack Hammons also qualified for the Region 23 Champi– onship based on his scoring av– erage for the year. As a team, theWarriors fin– ished in fifth place overall at
lnll tre hman golfer Zack Hammons of Raleigh shot a : - _ one-over par 145 over 36 holes to finish tied for fourth place in __:::: : ::- the.
The Warriors finished fifth overall. with a score of 612 (311, 301).
WEEKOF _'~fh.!-Ll.-D~\ _L.\ _j._~\_i __ \
East Central CCswept at home by MGCC From school reports
lead the Warriors offensively. Matt Mitchell of Lake High School also had two doubles in four trips to the plate. T.J. Lockett of Bibb County High School (Brent, Ala.) was 2-for- 3 with an RBI, and Ben Cooley of South Jones High School tripled in a run in the contest. Josh Carpenter of Winona High School was charged with the loss, working 1 2/3 innings on the mound. In Game 2, ECCC jumped out to an early 3-0 lead in the first inning, but couldn't hold on in the 12-8 loss. The Warriors did manage 13 hits, including three from Reagan Warren of 1'ewton County High
School, who also had three RBis, and three hits from Lockett Davis, Cody Daigle of Parkview Baptist High School (Addis, La.) and Will Kennedy of Union High School each had two hits. Davis had a two-run triple in the bottom of the first inning. Seven Warrior pitchers gave up 17 hits in the nightcap. Peyton Cain of Newton County High School was credited with the loss. ECCC (21-13. 14-8) returns to action Saturday, April 18, as the Warriors ho t Itawamba Commu– nity College in Decatur. Double– header action begins at 2 p.m.
DECATUR-The East Central Community College Warriors dropped a doubleheader Tuesday to che ~ississippi Gulf Coast Com– ni•JOity College Bulldogs, 7-4 and 12-t) ECCC dropped Game 1 despite out-hittmg Gulf Coast 10-9. The game was tied 2-2 going into the top of the fifth, when the Bulldogs took the lead for good, scoring two runs on two hits, two ECCC errors and a wild pitch. Michael Davis of Clinton High School was 2-for-3 at the plate with two doubles and two runs scored to
MERIDIAN STAR _____.:.----
WEEK OF Yi. - -~
MCC baseball set for showdown with ECCC From school reporu
poll after sweeping double– headers from Southwest Mis– sissippi and Northeast Mis– sissippi recently on the diamond. MCC returned to action last week by earning a doubleheader split, 7-9 and 8- 7, on the road at East Missis– sippi Community College and later swept Pearl River Com– munity College, 9-8 and 6-5, to enter the Easter weekend. East Central has also been playing good baseball as of late after splitting its most recent conference double– header with East Mississippi Community College last Thursday in Decatur. The Warriors earned an impres– sive victory in Game 2 of its
set with the Lions by blowing past the visitors by a final score of17-2. ECCC most recently swept a conference doubleheader with Mississippi Delta, 6-2 and 11-4, and split a road set with Copiah-Lincoln, 4-8 and 5-4, before playing EMCC last Thursday at home. Dillon Sudduth will lead MCC into action on Wednesday afternoon with an ove rall record of 23-10, while Neal Holliman will bring his overall mark. The first pitch of Gaine 1 between the two schools is set for 4 p.m. at Scaggs Field. East Central squad to Meridian with an 18-10
MORE INFORMATION Game 1of today's double– header is scheduled to begin at4p.m. fourth position among lhe 15 teams inside the very difficult MACJC standings. The Eagles are playing some of their best baseball of the season, having won seven of its last eight conference games which was good enough to earn the team a ranking in the latest N.JCAA Division II Baseball Poll. ' MCC is currently ranked 19th according to the latest .. •, JL ,__,
The !\Ieridian Community College Eagles are preparing for the final stretch run in conference action for the 2015 season and the team \\ill welcome one of its longtime rivals to Scaggs Field on Wednesday afternoon. The East Central Commu– nity College Warriors will head to Meridian on Wednesday afternoon for a pivotal MACJC showdown with both teams very much in the mix for one of the top four spots in the standings inside theMACJC The two teams will enter play on Wednesday tied in the
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By Ree Desalvo rcesalvo@themeridlanstar.com
IY_r ...-r: CoclC ::Z.:e :ic~ a .:Je~ .Pb ~g an and ex:p:mcfuig me ~ Ii you let a ~~Zg~any rb=g~~ EZs~ C.elhral went through four prn::he.--s before Joshua Car;>emer ~k over v.itb one out in !!!O'..;,"n! !le~'-' II He commanded all his p;:ches and made some big pitches when he had. Thaf~ some– thing that we can definitely build off of." Cody Daigle, TJ Locken each recorded RBI hits ..mile Snypes had two RBis in the v.inforECCC In Game 1, ~feridian exploded for six runs in the top of the first, added two more in the third and held off East Central for an 8-3 win. The Eagles leaned on BryantJohnson, Jonahtan Porter and Ryan Lane to limit East Central to eight hits and just two earned runs, with Porter (2-0) earning the win. "I thought our bullpen was really good," Sudduth said. "I thought we got a great start from Lane - he's coming back from a back injury- and then I thought our bullpen was good for us.'' Daniel Hill led Meridian with three hits, including an RBI triple in the third. Jayton Keys launched his third home run of the season to start of the inning. Jared Savell and Goose Yates each tallied two hits and a RBI, while AndrewCook smacked a run-scoring double, and DaltonThomas Thomas added an RBI base hit. "It's always good to throw the first punch," Sudduth said. I} MoR::: ;Nt-OH1t ATiuN The Warriors rose to 19·11 (1 2-6), whueMCC rose io 2~- 11 (1 2-6). the third pitch he saw into right field to drive in Wtlliam Kennedy and put East Central ahead. The Warriors (19-11, 12-6) managed to tack on four runs in the seventh, including three consecutive RBI hits, capped off by an RBI double by Ben Cooley. Myers struck out six bat– ters in earning the win. 'That was·big (the seventh inning rally) because Myers was throwing really well, but we didn't want to send him back out there (for the sev– enth)," Holliman said. "It's still early enough in the year to where you're worried about pitch count And he was throwing so well that you didn't want to pull him, but (the rally) allowed us to go to the pen. We had some good at– bats in some key situations. "You have to tip your hat to him. Both pitchers were out– standing." Austin.Harrison was equally as effective for Meridian (24-11, 12-6}. throwing 6 1/3 innings and allowing just two earned runs. "I thought he was great," Sudduth said of his pitcher. '1 Dylan Snipes smacked a two-out single to right field to drive in the first run of the game in the sixth inning, and Wtll Myers tossed six strong innings to lift East Central Community College to a 5-0 Game 2 win and salvage a dou– bleheader split against MACJC rival Meridian Com– munity College Wednesday. "We've come back to win the second game after losing the first one time and time again," East Central coach Neal Holliman said. "(MCC) has a very good club, and they're a quality opponent, and we were able to get a split I was proud of our guys coming back after we played so poorly in the first one; you have to move on from that" MCC led start to finish to win the opener handily 8-3 before falling in the nightcap. "I thought we played hard. I thought both teams played hard," Meridian coach Dillon Sudduth said. 'That second game came down to a timely hit or two, and theywere able to get them and we didn't" With the game scoreless in the top of the sixth, Snipes stepped to the plate with two men on seeking to put the Warriors ahead for the first time Wednesday:The freshman shortstop smacked APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_~· SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER------ CARTHAGINIAN------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------- MERIDIAN STAR ___ \....._(___ Eagles, Warrior p MCC takes Game 1, ECCC responds with Game 2 win .... . . . . .. . . ·... · .....i: .. .... ~ .. Paula Merritt / The Meridian Star Meridian Community College's Jaylon Keys turns the double play as he forces out East Central Community College's Matthew Mitchell Wednesday. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT -------- ----- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL --- I --------- SPIRIT OF MORTON WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ------- - - - ----- Ea t Central hosts all-star game East Central Community and $5 for students. College v.ill host the inau– gural East Central Missis– sippi High School All-Star Basketball Games on Thursda~. April 9. The \\ l•men's contest begins at 6 p.m. and wil I be follo .. ed b~ the men's match-up at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $7 for adult Participants will be divided into North and South teams, based on the location of their schools. Members of the South women's squad and their respective high schools are Holly Hendershot, Scott Central; Kim Maira Jack– son, Forest; Chante Deer– ing and Chelsi White, both of Morton; Shadejha Brown, Lake; and Alexis Burks. Sebastopol. South men's team mem– bers include Joe Young and Patavius Luckett, both of Forest; Devonta Jones. Morton; and Kartavious Hunt, Lake. North men's squad includes Josh Crutcher. L--------------------' BILLY FREEMAN Sebastopol Bobcats' Colton Tharp watches the ball into his glove on a play In recent action. The Bobcats entered t his week's action with a 9-2 record. Sebastopol. For more information. call (601) 635-6372 or (60 l) 635-6370. \ APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN - ---- - - -- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON ----- ---- - MERIDIAN STAR - --- - -- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _ _ ...;..../ _ _ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES J __ ...;._ ___ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL__ CLARION-LEDGER----- - Warriors split baseball 0y ECCC Sports Information 6 in Game 1, ECCC wasn't able to muster enough runs in the 8-1 loRs. T.J Lockett led the War– rior' ®inf! 2-3 at the plate \\1th an RBI and run scored. CodY Dait!ie had m-o bits in four· trip... to the plate. includ– .ing a double. Ben Cooley added a two-run homer in the top of the sixth for theWarriors. Matt Mitchell of Lake IDgh School took the loss on the mound, givingup five runs on two bits and six walks in two and one third innings of work. March 31 in Wesson. Co-Lin won the first game over East Central 8-1. Coach Neal Holliman's Warriors are now 17-9 over– all and 10-4 in Mississippi As– sociation of Community and Junior Colleges league play. De pite outhittingCo-Lin 9- The East Central Commu– nity College Warriors jumped out to a 5-0 lead in Game 2 and hungon for a 5-4 \\in OYer the Copiah-Lincoln Commu– nity CollegeWolves to salvage u split in doubleheader action doubleheader at Co-Lin East Central plated three runs in the second inningand added two in the fourth in tho nightcap to jump out to a 5-0 lead over the Wolves and an e\·entual 5-4 victory. Peyton Owen picked up the start and the win, throw– ing!om· innings and givingup just one run on two hits. Mitchell was 2-4 at the plate in Game 2 with two RBis. Dylan Snypes added two singles and an RBI, and Lane Fazende of Pearl River Cen– tral High School had a double and a single. APPEARED IN: -;-' - ' j NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ____..;,.;__ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ---– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL - – CLARION-LEDGER-- - - - - CARTHAGINIAN ------ 1 NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL '1 \J SPIRIT OF MORTON -------– MERIDIAN STAR------- ECCC Warriors drop doubleheader to Hinds The East Central Ala., each with a single. Mitchell of Lake and Little. Runs were scored by Whitten, Dylan Snypes and Todd Hughes. Will Myers of Leake Academy was the losing pitch– er. He allowed two earned runs on six hits in four innings. He struck out five batters. The DiamondWarriors, now 14-8 overall and 7-3 in division play, were to host Mississippi Delta Community College March 28, at the Clark-Gay Baseball Complex. and the Warriors scored again in the seventh to even the score. The Eagles scored the winning run in the top of the 11th off a solo homer by Marshall Boggs. Whitten, a product South Panola High School, also had a double and an RBI to lead the Warrior offense. Other bitters were Michael Davis of Clinton, two singles; Cody Daigle of Parkview Baptist High School in Addis, La., double; and Dylan Little and TJ. Lockett of Bibb County High School in Brent, Cornmunit) College Diamond \\.t! • fell 3-2 in 11 umings a1?a10 t No. ! -ranked Hinds Ca~muni~ College \\ 00..-lCSda), March 25, m the ~t ~ c. a doubleheader bed m the Clad.-Gay Baseball Wffiplex b Decarur. :be \\amor; lost game two 4-3. After the visiting Eagles jumped out roan earl} 2-0 lead in game one. ECCC's Chance ·aen hit a solo home run in the bouom of the second inning Scoring runs were Davis and Whitten. Lane Fazende took the loss for East Central. He allowed one earned run on three hits in three innings. He struck out five batters. In game two, the Warriors rallied for three runs in the bot– tom of the seventh but it was not enough as they fell 4-3. Davis bad a single to give the Warriors their only hit in the game. RBI"s were credited to Matt APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN ---- --+/– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL_....... \/_ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT __ / _ _ _ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ___ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ _ CLARION-LEDGER------ - '- .,'v V\., (L :.,6-j Z,,O \ "J 'EEK OF East Central CC sweeps Mississippi Delta From school reports In a 6-2 game one win that saw five lead changes, East Central took the lead for good with a three-run seventh inning that fea– tured RBI singles by Michael Davis and Chance Whitten. Dylan Little led lhe Warriors offensively going 3-4 at the plate with two RBis and a run scored. Cody Daigle added a double and a single in four trips to the plate and an RBI for ECCC. Hunter Thrower of Southeast Lauderdale High 5chool (2). Ben Cooley, T.J. Lockett, Will Kennedy, and Matt Mitchell of Lake High School all singled. Channing Wall gol the win on the mound in relief. allowmg one run on one hit in 2 2/3 innings. He struck out five Mississippi Delta batters. East Central dropped Mississippi Delta 11-4 in game two after exploding for seven runs in the third inning. Josh Carpenter got the win for the Warriors, allowin~ no hits and no run:- in hi two innin~s on the mound. At the plate, the War– riors wert: led by Whitten who was 2-3 with two RBis. Little and Lane Fazende each added a double and an RBI. Cooley, Thrower, Mitchell and Dylan Snypes all had singles. The War riors return home Friday, April 3. to host East Mississippi Community College in a doubleheader beginning at3p.m. 'P Eas Central Com– munity College Warnors pounded out 21 hits and 17 runs en route to a sweep ofMississippi Delta Community College in a baseball doubleheader on the Decatur Campus March28. With the wins, the War– riors improved to 16-8 overall and 9-3 in Missis– sippi Association of Com– munity and Junior Col– leges league play. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT - --- -- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL - - - CLARION-LEDGER - - --- ----- --------~ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON I MERIDIAN STAR --J-+-- ---- --------~ Alderman signswith East Central e non C-0unty Academy Senior Ty Alderman, seated, center, has signed a letter of in– tent to pw' baseball for the East Central Community College Warriors. Alderman leads lhe General- in ba tting with a .485 average. He has 16 hits, including nine singles, four double • " ' ' ' triple and a home run. In 40 at-bats, he has yet to strike out. Defensively, Alderman tarted eYerygaJ'l\e at the catcher. He has thrown out 10of12 runners a t– te.mptin t • -..teal. Pictured with him are, seated, his parents Kelly and Sha Alderman of 1Jec::an1r.• JAd back row, ~CA baseball coach Ryan Glover and Alderman's brotherKemp Alderman. Submitted photo APPEARED I : CARTHAG 'A NESHOBA DEMOCRAT - ---- NEWTO COU'-J TY APPEAL - -- SPIRIT OF 110RTON - - -------- MER DIAN STAR ~------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- CLARION-LEDGER - - ----- Diamond Warriors sweep Holmes CC ~ om scnool reports win in the nightcap thanks to a two-run triple by Little in the sev– enth inning. He also tallied a single. Daigle again had an outstanding offensive game hitting 3-4, including two home runs and a single. Additional hitters were Matt Mitchell of Lake, double and single; and Thrower, Davis and Snypes, singles each. RBis were credited to Little and Daigle, who both had two. Runs were scored by Daigle, Mitchell and Thrower. Peyton Owen recorded the win for ECCC, allowing two earned runs on three hits in 3 1/3 innings of work. He struck out one batter and walked one. Owen is a product of Stone County High School. ECCC will host Mississippi Delta Community College in a dou– bleheader beginning at 2 p.m. Sat– urday. MORE INFORMATION Southeast Lauderdale alumnus Hunter Thrower had singles mboth games of ECCC's sweep. Dylan Little of Mary G. Mont– gomery in Mobile, Ala., Kyle McCullouch ofMadison Ridgeland Academy and Michael Davis of Clinton, each with a single. In addition to Daigle, RBis were credited to Davis with two Little and McCullouch "'ith one apiece. Scoring runs were Little with two, and Thrower, Daigle and Snypes with one each. Colby Eaves, a right-handed pitcher from Nanih Waiya, got the win for East Central. He allowed two earned runs on three hits in 4 1/3 innings. He struck out four batters and walked three. The Warriors rallied for a 4-2 Th East Central Community 110.:w.~IUU\\arrior baseball team Holme-: Community College ebeader action Saturday in '6V'.,............., to improve their record 14-6overall and 7-1 in division CC::!PE~titi on In Game 1, East Central jumped t early :.!--0 lead in the top of third and scort>d three more the eighth to claim the vie- "' r the host Bulldogs. Cod\" Dai~le went 4-5 at the -e. dudin~ three doubles, and one RBI to lead Warrior en . Dai"le is a sophomore d r a ; product of Parkview &p:i t Hi ·- School in Addis, La. Other t · :ers were Dylan ~)J>e' of Wayne County, triple and ,,int;?"le; Jacob Huff of Brandon and Ben Cooley of South Jones, each 9.ith ,.o singles; and Hunter Thrower : Southeast Lauderdale, APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN I ~~~~~-=-~~~ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL - --- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ---- -- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES - ----- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL - - - CLARION-LEDGER I -~--r-~~~~~~- SPIRIT OF MORTON MERID1AN STAR -~~~...:.,_~~~- ~~~~~~-- , RTS B3 East Central baseball sweeps Pearl River CC From school reports ChanningWall, a right-handed pitcher from Louisvi1le, got the win for East Central. He allowed four earned runs on five hits in 3 2/3 innings. He struck out three batters and walked one. The Warriors held on for an 8-7 win in the nightcap thanks again to McCul– louch, who hit a three-run homer in the seventh to put the Warriors on top. Additional hitters were Daigle, two singles; Hunter Thrower of Southeast Lauderdale, Matt Mitchell of Lake and Whitten, each with a double; and Davis and Snypes, singles each. RBis were credited to McCullouch with four and Daigle andThrower with one apiece. Runs were scored byThrower, who had three, as well as Mitchell, Little, Daigle, McCullouch and Snypes, who all had one each. Lane Fazende recorded the win for ECCC, allowing one earned run on five hits in two and a third innings of work. Fazende is a product of Pearl River Cen– tral High School. The DiamondWarriors (12-6, 5-1) travel to Holmes Community College Saturday for doubleheader action begin– ning at 1 p.m. on the Goodman campus. ECCC hosts Hinds Community Col– lege in a doubleheader beginning at 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 25. POPL'\RVILLE- East Central Com– munity College's baseball team swept Pearl Rh·er Community College in dou– bleheader actionTuesday. In Game l, outfielder Kyle McCul– louch ofMadison Ridgeland Academy had three extra-base hits to lead the Warrior offense in a 10-6 victory over the \rndcats. The game was tied 4-4 in the top of the "eventh with one out when McCul– louch homered and also scored Dylan Little. a product of Mary G. Mont– gomer; High School in Mobile, Ala. kCullough also had two doubles and tallied three RBis in the win. Little had two ..;ingles. Other hitters were Dylan Snypes of Wayne County and Ben Cooley of South Jone;;. each with a double; and Cody Daigle of Parkview Baptist in Addis, La., Michael Davis of Clinton, Chance Whitten of South Panola and Jacob Huff of Brandon, singles each. Also collecting RBis were Huff with two and Whitten and Cooley with one apiece. 1 Scoring runs were McCullouch with three, Little with two and Davis, Huff, Snypes, Cooley and Will Kennedy of Union with one each. - ·- ·------- ··- - - -- - APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN --------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON - - ;+-----– MERIDIAN STAR ---__;"-'------ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL - - - CLARION-LEDGER - - ------ The Neshoba Democrat, Philadelphia, Miss., March 4, 2015, SB • c Clark signs with East Central Neshoba Central senior baseball standout Brandon Clark signed to continue his career at East Central Community College. His Junior season as a Rocket, he finished with a .313 batting aver– age, 26 Hits, 20 Runs, 16 RBis, 1 o 2B and 1 HR. He saw action for the Rockets as catcher, 3B, and on the mound. Front, from left are Eric Clark, father, Brandon Clark, mother, Stacie Clark; back row: Asst. Principal LaShon Home, Rocket Head Baseball Coach Justin Stovall, Assistant Baseball Coach Taylor Petty, and Asst. Principal Jimmy Buchanan. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN - -----– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL - -- SPIRIT OF MORTON - - ------ MERIDIAN STAR ------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ----- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER------ \ Expectations high forWarriors growing pains; however, they continue to strive for what theyhave set as individual and team goals," Holliman said. In addition to their objectives on the field, the Diamond Warriors are also working to maintain the high academic standards for which they have become known. "Our team once again posted a 3.11 GPA (grade point average) this fall,which will help us maintain ow· national academic ranking. We have been in the top 25 academically for the past five years," Holliman said. Top returnees for ECCC include third base– man Dylan Little, a product ofMary G. Mont– gomery High School in Mobile, Ala; short stop/second baseman Hunter Thrower of Southeast Lauderdale; designated hitter/first baseman Cody Daigle of Parkview Baptist High School in Baton Rouge, La.; first base– man/outfielder Chance Whitten, a product of South Panola High School; right fielder Kyle McCullouch of Madison-Ridgeland Academy; and catcher Todd Hughes of Clarkdale High School. From school -eports Buildingon the success of last year's team, which adYanced to the Region23 and MACJC Conference tournaments, head coach Neal Holliman expects his 2015 East Central Com– munity College Diamond Warriors to be com– petitors. ~Our expectations have grown towherewe e:q>ect to be a contender each year, but we don't take that for granted. We understand there are many talented and well-coached team in this league and you have to be will– ing to prepare, be committed and be able to execute under pressure to be' one of the last team· tanding," said Holliman, now in his ninth season at the helm. Although theWarriors will have a few hur– dle to overcome, including a mostly fresh– man pitching staff, Holliman said he believes bb team has the talent to put them elves in po'ition for another championship run. "'Tb.is team bas already experienced some 1 p.m. (1 x 9) 6 p.m. (1 x 7) 2 p.m. (9 x 7) 3 p.m. (9 x 7) 12 noon (9 x 7) 4 p.m (9 x 7) 1 p.m. (9 x 7) 3 p.m. (9 x 7) 2 p.m. (9 x 7) 4 pm (9 x 7) Jones Northwest Jones Coahoma Pearl River Holmes Hinds MS Delta Co-Lin Decatur Senatobia Decatur Clarksdale Poplarville Goodman 3 7 11 14 17 21 25 28 31 Decatur Decatur Wesson APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN / NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- CLARION -LEDGER ------- - NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL J SPIRIT OF MORTON MERIDIAN STAR - - - - ----- ---------- C baseball grabs two in Rush tourney ParkviewBaptist inAddis, La., Michael Davi of Clinton, and Dylan Snype of Wayne County, each with a single. McCullouch had two RBis and Davis registered one. Scoring runs were Cooley (2) and Hunter Thrower (2) of Southeast Lauderdale, Daigle and McCullouch. Starter Colby Eaves of NanihWaiya got thewin. The right-hander allowed no earned runs on four hits through six innings. He fanned two batters and walked two. East Central took an early 1- 0 lead in the first inning and scored two runs in the bottom ofthe ninth to claim thevictory in game two. Little was the offensive leader scoringone run on two hits, including a double and a single. He also had two RBis. Additional hitterswere Coo– ley and Thrower, each with two sing1es; and Daigle and Lane Farende of Pearl River Central, each with a single. Cooleyalso scored two runs. Fazende was the winning pitcher and allowed no runs and no hits in the game's final two innings. He sn·uckout one batter. Starter \Vill Myers held on for seven innings, allowingone earned run on four hits. He fanned sixbatters andwalked three. The Diamond Warriors were scheduled to play East Mississippi Community Col– lege Wednesday, Feb. 25, but the game has been canceled due to expected inclement weather. East Central hosts ItawwnbaCommunityCollege and Southeast Iowa Commu– nity College Friday, February 28 at the Clark-Gay Baseball Complex on the Decatur cam– pus. EC's Diamond Warriors begin Friday's action with an 11 am. matchup against Southeast Iowa, followed by a 2 p.m. game against Itawamba.. Itawamba and Southeast Iowa battle at 4:30 p.m. East Central's baseball pro– gram is led bybead coachNeal Holliman and assistant Jake Romll. ECCC softball sweeps twin bill withAlabama Southern East Central Community College's Lady Diamond War– riors jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the first inning and ex– ploded for seven runs in the second to defeated Alabama Southern Community College 9-0 in game one of a double– header Tuesday, Feb. 17, on the Decatur Campus. ECCC completed the sweep by de– feating the Lady Eag1es 7-2 in game two. ECCC now holds an 8-2 overall record. Caitlyn Aldous was the of– fensive leader for the Lady Wa.ITiors in game one. She had a double and single and three RBis. Other hitters were Anna Katherine Nowell of Leake Academy, double and single; Andi Hannaford, a product of MagnoliaHeights School , and Karoline Holsonback of South Lamar High School in Kennedy, Ala, each with a double; and Maegen Ellis of Oak Hill Academy in West Point. and Mahalia Gibson of OakGro\1!. e.acb \\1th a single. Central Commu– ~ baseball team bed pair of '1iins dw'ing Ru-.h Imitational IPnl~n,,>nt held Friday and Feb 20-21. on the r can·pus. Games ~..it:UulJt:U .for 5unday were ed du lo inclement "amors defeated Jeff ( mmunity College 6-1 ne and held on for a ~'4 f aulkner State urut~ Coll~ in the cap. Cooley tallied t\vo RBis hits, including a dou– d two ingles, to lead the or offense in game one. ~ i a sophomore out– r/pitchcr and a product th Jones High School er hitters were Chance \ Wtten of SouthPanola, dou- and singte; Kyle McCul- 1 ueh of ,\Judison Ridgeland cadem). double; and Dylan Little, a product of Mary G. 1 ntgomcry High School in • Ala , Cod) Duigle of APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN --------=--- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL - -'---- SPIRIT OF MORTON / NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES - - - --- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL - -- CLARION-LEDGER - - - --- - - ---'-------~ MERIDIAN STAR / Spirit ofMorton ECCCHosts Annual Rush Invitational A weekend ofcommunity college baseball is on rap Friday through Sunday, Feb. 20-22, when East Central Com– munity College hosts the 2015 Rush Invitational at the Clark/ Gay Baseball Complex on the Decatur campus. EC's Diamond Warriors begin Friday's action with a noon matchup against Jeff Davis Community College. Jeff Davis takes on Faulkner State at 3 p.m. and will be followed by the East Central/Faulkner State battle at 5:30 p.m. Games scheduled Saturday include Kaskaskia Col– lege vs. Faulkner State at 11 a.m.; Baton Rouge vs. Faulkner State at l :30 p.m.; Kaskaski vs. Wallace State at 4 p.m.; and Baton Rouge vs. Wallace State at 6:30 p.m. ·Sunday contests include East Central vs. Kaskaskia at noon; Baton Rouge vs. Kaskaskia at 3 p.m. and East Cen– tral vs. Baton Rouge at 5:30 p.m. All EC games are nine-inning contests. The other matchups are seven-inning battles. Admission is $5 each day. For more information, contact Neal Holliman, ECCC head basebilll coach, 601-635-6374 or call toll free, 877-462-3222, ext. 374. His e-mail address is nholliman@ eccc.edu. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------ ------ ------ --- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL I SCOTT COUNTY TIMES SPIRIT OF MORTON ___ , -/_-_-:_-___ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ~--~~~--~ ~~~~~~~~ WEEK OF ff 1 \ / 7 0),... I ~P.!!l .... ~'::Jillliliillilli•~~'::'l __ _._~~~==--.--~~~----(county, pitchers Colby Eaves or MORE INFORMATION Nanih Waiya, Will Myers of Leake Academy and Zach Mowdy of Union; and pitcher/catcher Lane Fazende, a product of Pearl River Central High School. "Cooley played part time as a freshman, but is really growing into his ability as a sophomore," Holliman said. "Warren red– shirted last season and has con– tinued to get stronger. Eaves returns after red-shirting due to injury and should be a main factor on the mound. Myers, Fazende and Mowdy are the only returning pitchers and all are expected lo make a contribution either as starters or in relief appearances." Freshman players and their respective high schools include pitchers Channing Wall, Louhwille; Peyon Lott, Seminary; Jonathan Simpson, Monroe Academy (Ala.); Peyton Owen, Stone; Peyton Cain. Newton County; and Josh Carpenter, Winona; pitcher/ third baseman Taylor Creighton, Quitman; pitcher I outfielder Matthew Mitchell, Lake; outfielders John– trell Pickens, Philadelphia; Jacob Huff, Puckett; and T.J. Lockett, Bibb County High School (Ala.) catcher Michael Davis, Clinton; short stop Dylan Snypes, Wayne County; third baseman/second baseman Billy Cameron, Menden– hall; and second baseman/catcher Will Kennedy, Union. "We expect significant contribu– tions from many of our freshman players and will rely heavily on some quality innings from our young pitchers," Holliman said. DECATUR - Building on lhe success of last year's ttam, which advanced to the Region 23 and MACJC Conference tournaments. head coach Neal Holliman expects his 2015 East Central Community College Diamond Warriors to be competitors. "Our expectations have grown to where we expect to be a con– tender each year, but we don't take that for granted. We under– stand there are many talented and well-coached learns in this league and you have to be willing to pre– pare, be committed and be able to execute under pressure to be one of the last team's standing," said Holliman, now in his ninth season at the helm. The Diamond Warriors begin season action Tuesday, Feb. 10, as they travel to Lawson State Com– munity College in Birmingham, Ala., in doubleheader action starting at noon. The home opener is scheduled Friday, Feb. 13 against St. Louis Community College. First pitch is set for 2 p.m. at the Clark-Gay Baseball Complex. Although the Warriors will have a few hurdles to overcome, including.a mostly freshman pitching staff. Holliman said he believes his team has the talent to put themselves in position for another championship run. "This team has already experi· enced some growing pains; how– ever, they continue to strive for what they have set as individual and team goals," Holliman said. ,, The ECCC baseball team had an average 3. 11 grade·point average in the fall. In addition to their objectives on the field, the Diamond War– riors are also working to maintain the high academic standards for which they have become known. "Our team once again posted a 3.11 GPA (grade point average) this fall, which will help us main– tain our national academic ranking. We have been in the top 25 academically for the past five years." Holliman said. Top returnees for ECCC include third baseman Dylan Little, a product of Mar y G. Mont– gomery High School in Mobile, Ala.: short stop/second baseman Hunter Thrower of Southeast Lauderdale; designated hitter/first baseman Cody Daigle of Parkview Baptist High School in Baton Rouge, La.; first baseman/outfielder Chance Whitten, a product of South Panola High School; right fielder Kyle McCullouch of Madison– Ridgeland Academy; and catcher Todd H,ughes of Clarkdale High School. "All of these young men were starters for us last year and we expect their experience and lead– ership to really pay dividends," Holliman said. Other returnees include out– fielders Ben Cooley of South Jones and Reagan Warren of Newton AP --------- CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ----~---=- ... SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ------ - WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- CLARION-LEDGER ------- - NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON --:?--;;----- MERIDIAN STAR V ----~---- SPORTS THE MERIDIAN STAR Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Expectations high for ECCC Special to The Star Ready to begin the 2015 campaign are the abo~e members of East Central Community College's baseball squad. Team members and their respective high schools are (first row, from left) pitcher (6) Zach Mowdy, Union; outfielder 38) Johntrell Pickens, Philadelphia; short stop/second baseman (8) Hunter Thrower, Southeast Lauderdale, pitcher (2) Channing Wall, Louisville; pitcher (20) Mason Wooldridge, West Lauderdale; catcher (14) Todd Hughes, Clarkdale: outfielder (17) Jacob Huff, Brandon; catcher/pitcher (12) Lane Fazende, Pearl River Central; outfielder (5) Reagan Warren, Newton County; outfielder (1) Ben Cooley, South Jones: and catcher (34) Michael Davis, Clinton; (second row, from left) head coach Neal Holliman, manager Christopher Yarbrough of Florence, infielder (7) Dylan Snypes, Wayne County; pitcher/ outfielder (19) Matthew Mitchell, Lake; pitcher (36) Peyton Cain, Newton County; infielder/catcher (18) William Kennedy, Union; infielder (10) Dylan Little, Mary G. Montgomery (Semmes, Ala. ; pitcher (42) Peyton Lott, Seminary; mangers Titus Benson of Grenada and Brandon Lewis of South Jones, and assistant coach Jake Rowell; and (back row, from left) outfielder (4) T.J. Lockett, Bibb County (Brent Ala.); oitcher (15) Jonathan Simpson, Monroe Academy (Frisco City, Ala.); pitcher/third baseman (28) Taylor Creighton, Quitman; pitcher (22) Colby Eaves, Nanih Waiya; outfielder/first baseman (33) Chance Whitten, South Panola; pitcher (32) Peyton Owen, Stone County; pitcher (23) Joshua Carpenter, Winona; outfielder (11) Kyle McCullouch, · ~ad1son Ridgeland Academy: prtcher/outf1elder (13) Will Myers, Leake Acadt.:ny; third baseman/first baseman 25) Cody Daigle, Par~view Baptist (Addison, La.); and catcher/infielder (35) Billy Cameron, Mendenhall. AP CA NE WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER------ ' PIRIT OFMORTON-------– ~RI D IAN STAR ----'----- WEEKOF O' r ECCCBase– ball Players \ ·Read to Area Children Peyton Cain was among East Central Community College student-athletes who recently participated in a community service project at Union Elementa– ry School. Cain was among several Warrior baseb
students from p~e-school the ECCC baseball team. Cain is a product of Newt• through third grades and County High School. Neal Holliman is beginning his 10 answered questions about year as bead coach ofthe ECCC bas~ball team. (EC Phot APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN-----– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL SPIRIT OF MORTON X --- MERIDIAN STAR______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT____ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- CLARION-LEDGER------ ~-------~ WEEKOF \Jee . I ---~~--!.....--.....;::____ ECCC BASEBALL East Central baseball standouts signing National Letters of Intent to play at four– year colleges and universities are, from left, Peyton Cain, a pitcher from Newton County IDgb School, University of Tennessee at Martin; Michael Davis, a catcher from Clinton IDgh School, Southern Arkansas University; Matt Mitchell, a pitcher and outfielder from Lake IDgh School, Delta State University; Dylan Snypes, an In– fielder from Wayne County H1gh School, Oral Roberts University; and Channing Wall, a pitcher from Louisville IDgh School, University of North Alabama. EC Photo Players signwith four-year colleges By ECCC sports information I Southern Arkansas, Delta State, and North Alabama are NCAA Division II. "All five of these young men are going to make sig– .!:c . ~ 1 ..=:- ~--for -' · :. .. schools. Caln i*hed - - 5 I r O\-er 1~ ~es last ~ n Cor Ea.st Central. "Peyton still has room to grow and will be a major factor for us on the mound this year," noted Holliman. "He came to us out or high school as a strike thrower and bas continually in– creased his velocity, while developing a sinker. All as– pects ofrus game have con– tinued to improve as he matures as a pitcher, and we expect him to be in the starting rotation this up– coming spring." was fourth on the team in hits with 40. He committed only four errors in 276 chances behind the plate. Mitchell pitched 23 in– nin~ in nine J?ll.Illes, includ– ir ~ .... starts la.st ~'On. Five East Central w,.r– riors inked national letters of intent during the Novem– ber signing period to con– tinue their baseball can· r"- ne."\.... fall Bi four-year col- handed pileber from . ton County High Sch11ol. signedwith the University of Tennessee-Martin; Michael Davis, a catcher from Clin– ton, signed with Southern Arkansas University; Matt Mitchell, a left-handed pitcher and outfielder from - Lake High School, signed with Delta State University; Dylan Snypes, a shortstop from Wayne County High School, signed with Oral Roberts University; and Channing Wall, a pitcher from Louisville High School, Aim:iedwith theUniversityof the game.- said Holliman. He is one of the best individuals and competitors we have ever had inour program. He provides a lot of versatility as a player in the fact he can play two of the three outfield positions, hits from the left side of the plate, and is a quality left-handed arm off the mound." Snypes played in 38 games for East Central last season, batting .275 with four doubles and 11 RBI. Wall pitched in 13 games •n_ - C\O 5 OF 1 MERlDiAH ST A.r{
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