2014 Combined

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Carth•1ginian _______ _

THE MERIDIAN STAR ' fhursday, FPbruary 27, 2014,. ECCC tennis squads split \\rith Hinds From school report DECATUR- Ea"I Ccn· tral Community College' tennis squad ,pJit ded· sions \\ith Hind!' Commu· nit)· College in matche held Tuesday. The Warriors crui ed to an 8-1 victory while thl· Lady Warrior~ fell by a &3 margin. EC winners in mt•n's singles were Juan Miranda of Morton, who beat Devonte Thomas, 0 6, &:3, 12-10; Javon Yarbrough of Loui~v illc, a 6-1, 6-2 victor over Aaron Gray; Brandon St. Clair, a product of Newton County High School. who defeated Jonathan Bethea, 6-2. 6-1; Ethan Rigdon of Union. who po,tcd a 6-4, 7-5 decision over Mchin McNair. and Tanner Moore of Win!'.!ton Academy. who edged Au,.tin Pevy in by a 6-3, 6 3 deci,ion. Daniel Gile. of Union dropped his match to Julian John,on by a 7-5, 6-2 score.

The Warriors won all th!ee doubles matches, as Miranda and Giles defeated Thomai./Gray, 9- • 7: Yarbrough and Moore beat)ohnson/McNair. 8 4: and St Clair and Rig .on , lipped Bethea/ Pen'. S-3. . In women\> ~ingle ·, EC .,,,,nners were Amber Pierce of Leake Academy, who beat J enneast Lofton 7-6 (7-3). 6-3: and Lauren' Peterson of Forest. who edged Reagan Chisolm, 6 4, 6-4. Hannah Peoples of Win ston Academy fell to Brit· tany DeCamp, 6-1, 6-1; Alana Turner of Florence fell to Kelly Carlson, 3-6, 6-2, 11-9; Nan Hartness lost to C. Fox, 2-6, 6-2, 10 7; and Hannah Smith of Leake Academy dropped a 6-0, 6-2 decision to ] e:ssica Parker. Peoples and Hartness were the lone doubles winner. a~ they posted an 8-5 v.in o\·er Carlson/ Packer. In other re::.uh:., Turner and Pierce iell to - De '1mp/Lofton, 8-1; and Katlyn Patrick and Kri tine Jenkins, both of Fore. t. lo::.t to Chisolm/ Hicks by an 8-3 margin.

Clarion-Ledger _______

~kridLrn ~tar ----- ---

~eshoba Democrat


:-Je\\10n .\ ppeal ______

Scott County Times ___ _

Spirit of Nlonon ___ ___

\\ inston County Journal _ _ _

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