2014 Combined
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~ ------ Corp Members
1\-l~ridian Star
Winston County Warrior caps Members These f.ast Central ~munlty ~liege students from Winston County are among oew members of the Warrior~ Pictured are (first roN, from left) Jade Smith, Samantha Morgan and Mcqan Orr, all ct LouiMle; and >mt Hal ct Nanih W~ (second roN, from left.) Madison Barnett and Anna Claire Webb, both of Noxapater; Madelon Taylor of Louisville and Megan Robinson of NanlhWaiya; and (back rc:NI, from left) Karia Hlgglnbotham, Leslie Estes, and Channing Par1t.es, all of Nanlh Watya; Joene Hill of t.oulsvl le and U.n Greexy of Nanth Walya. Wamor Corps Is a select group of students who assist In recruiting and S8fV8 as hosts for special events on the Decatur campus. Student SerAces staff members Lanette Hanna and Romonlca Evans serve as sponsors. (EC PHOTO)
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