2014 Combined

WEEK OF---------

ECCC to present 'Christmas Music Spectacular' Dec. 4 " from school reports

Choir, Ac'cents sho\\ choir. Wall O' Sound Band, and ven ous other ensemblei.. The an department will also present a display of vanous mediums. Tickets are S 15 per person. A recepuon in the Molly McGee Gold Room will fol low the performance . The Cultural Arts serie "ill also bring perfonning arti 1.5 and visual anillts to the campu throughout the year for both EC students and the commum· ty, according to Vicki Blaylock, BCCC Fine Arts Department Chair. "Throughout the years there have been visiting artists come

to East Central and perform for our music majors. I couldn't help but notice the enthusiasm and interest that our students displayed when a visiting artist performed for them. I hope through the effon of lbe Cultural Ans Series we can afford all the students at East Central, not just lhe music majors, an opponuruty to enhance their education by providing these cultural oppor tunities," Blaylock said. For more information. con tact Vicla Blaylock at 601 635-6225 or email vblay lock@eccc.edu.

At:. part of the inaugural sea Central Community College's Cultural An Series, the Fine Arts Depan.ment will present a "Christmas Music Spectacular" at 7 p.m. Th~y. December 4, 2014, in Huff Auditorium on lhe Decatur campus. The Christmas Music Spectacular, which will serve as a fundroiser for the Series, will f eaturc performances by various East Central musical groups, including the Concert son of East



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