2014 Combined
CLIP FILE SU~L\lARY ("'\lumber of Articles Photos Appearing in Each :\ewspaper)
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Druery, who attended \Veck of GED classes at the Morton . Public Library under the
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yY1th zero ~come and a famlly dependmg on her for support, Fortune looked for work but after months of searching and filling out numerous applications for employment, she realized she had no skills...no GED
::>he told her tory, which includt:"d dropping out of ~cho?I and working at \'ar "When I was in the tenth grade at Morton High School, I thought I knew it all," said. "I thought that 1ous Jobs
Moore attended ABE/ GED classes on the ECCC campus. She plans to continue her education at ECCC in hopes of eventu ally receiving a psychology degree at a university. Moore began her testi monial by giving thanks and praise to God "for allowing me the great accomplish ment of getting my GED. It was challenging, but I did not give up!" Moore also expressed appreciation to the "won derful, caring staff of ECCC: Ryan (Clarke), Paula (Kerr), Mrs. Ueanne) Vares, Robin (Milling) and Mr. and Mrs. (Larry) Harms for such dedication to the students.They all inspired me to keep on keeping on. I would also like to thank my husband for his support and all my family, friends, classmates and my church (Decatur United Methodist Church), pastor Bruce and Susan Taylor and all the church members. During her remarks, Moore emphasized: "It's never too late to get your GED. I am 58 years old and I'm proud to say that I achieved my goal at the age of 57 after 16 months of dedi cation to attending class and studying for the test The GED diploma is a great accomplishment, and it opens many doors of opportunity." Moore also challenged those without a GED to "take the challenge and join GED classes....and then you will be successful." "Remember,'' she con cluded, "it's never too late!" For more information on ECCC's ABE/GED pro gram, contact Ryan Clarke, Director of ABE/GED Testing, at (601) 635-6387 or email arke@eccc.edu
direction of Modcan Cross often struggled to concen-' trate on his class work due to health problems. "Because I suffered a stroke there were times when i would lose my train
of thought and would have to dipl?ma. She also realized. since I had a c~r, I was too put the work aside for a time the JOb market was not gomg grown to stay 10 school. I and come back to it " he said to change and that she soon learned that since I while holding back tears. need.ed to make a change in was not in school, I had to "Within the last year I have her hfe. go to work. I worked at dif suffered a severe str~ke· "l knew I was at a dead- ferent places including endured two months of ' end road and that I had to helping my dad roof houses. therapy· returned to my job· have my GED diploma," For- I also served and aided and obt~ined my GED ' tune said. "So, I pic~ed up family n:iembers and others diploma. To all this I would the telephone and signed up recovering from health say, 'Praise God; to Him be for classes." issues. I enjoyed that (type the glory!" About halfv:'ay through of wor~) and felt like it was In closing remarks, he.r GED studies, Fortune my callmg, so I ~orked Druery offered the following said she had another towa;d and re<:e1ved 1~y advice to his fellow gradu- obstacle to overcome...a Certified Nursmg Assistant ates: heart attack. Certificate. I have worked ''You can use this accom- "The morning ofJuly 4, for Guardian Angel Hospice plishment as a stepping 2013, I was sent by ~eli- for the pas.t eigh~ y~ars." stone or a stumbling block. copter to Jackson with a 100 But during this time, Your future is in your hands percent blocked artery," she Coley said she kept "putting tonight. Deal with it wisely!" said. "The doctors let me of.f' getting her GED Also providing testimo- kno~ how blessed I was that Diploma, despite encour nials were graduates Annette my hfe was saved. After agement from her father. Fortune of Carthage, thanking. Go? and one stint . !Vhen her fathe~ became Angelia Coley of Pulaski and l~ter, I still did _not want to 111 m 20.13, ~he decided to Beatrice Moore of Decatur. g!ve up on gettmg mr GED fulfill his wish and began Fortune, 51, has two sons d1pl?ma. Fearful and ·not taking ABE/ GED classes at and two grandsons. She feelmg good most days, I the Morton Library, attended ABE/GED Classes soon returned to classes and Modean Cross served as at the Leake County Career- was determined to complete her instructor. Technical Center in my studies." "When I started classes, Carthage. Fortune acco;'Ilplished my dad~y and m?ther were "I remember the anticipa- her ~oal, for which she so over1oyed, which boosted tion of awaiting for my GED credits many. my ·elf-e·teem and made Test scores " she recalled 'The Bible says God my motivation even "and when they arrived, ' always J?rovides you with stronger," she said. "It took slowly opening that white everrth,,mg you need, and so a lot of har~ work, but I envelope and seeing first the ~e .did, she stated. fi~ally received my GED words, 'Congratulations' and With ~eat mentor~ such as diplo~a on August 30, then, 'Dear Graduate,' which my family, my GED mstruc- 2013. .; brought tears to my eyes! A tors, the security guard and Although Cooley's father dream of 36 years had finally my classmates, I pushed on. died prior to the GED Grad become a reality!" They always had a smile for uation, she knows "without Fortune's success story me, showed concern for my a doubt that he is watching began like many others who he~lth, and encouraged me, his baby girl tonight." overcame numerous cha!- which caused me to keep In closing, Cooley lenges on their way to pushing. And it was all encouraged others who do receiving an education worth it!" not have a GED or high albeit late in life. ' In her closing comments, school diploma, "to please "You see, 36 years ago at Fortune.s~d. "Now I am no start GED classes. It will the age of 15 in the middle of longer sitting at a dead-end make you feel so good about
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