2014 Combined

Thornton joins EC financial aid dept.

Thornton, ECCC alumna, began her new duties in August. She previously served as accounts payable clerk for the college's business office since 2013. . Prior to her time at ECCC, Thornton was employed with Central Mississippi Residen tial Center in Kewton, where she served as an administra tive assistant for the nursing an

department since 2007. After receMng her a~soci ate·s degree at ECCC in 2001, Thornton continued her edu cation by earning a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Missis sippi State University-Merid ian in 2003. Thornton is married to Neil Thornton. They have two daugtiters, Emma Claire and Molly.

From school reports

Mae Thornton of Decatur was selected m.s1stant di rector of fi nancial aid

(work study) at East Cen tral Commu nity College in Decatur.



Everett honoredat EC homecoming Decatur attorney recognized for 'Lifetilne Achieve1nent' has practiced law for m•arly 60vears. Everett c:erved as atto1

ney for the Newton County Board of Su pen isors more than 30 wars and was also counsel· for the Nc!\\1on Countv School Board and the Town of l.X•eatur. ln ad dition, he '"

a member of the basketball team and met his \\ife, the late .Jessie May Stewart faerPtt. Everett earned a bacbe

Decatur attorney .James "Bobby~ Everett wa · hon ored '\\ith a lifetime achieve ment a"'-ard Saturday, Oct. 11, during East Central Community College's an nual homecomingfestivitics. Everett (Class of 1948) served as attorney for the college's Board of Trustees since 1996 and retired re cently due to health rea sons. \ He and other Alumni As sociation honorees were recognized duMng the an nual homecoming hmcheon scheduled at 11 a.m. in Mabrv Memorial Cafeteria. A · native of ~e,vton County, Everett is a gradu ate of Stratton School. He contmued his education at Eac;t Central, where he was

lor' s degree in l:l.CCOUlli· ing from Mh,sissippi Staie Uni versity. Iil' entered the U.S. Air Force dur-


ing the Ko rean War and was stationed in Pitts burg11, Calif. After an honorable dis charge, Everett enrolled at the UniversityofMissi. sippi Law School where he re ceived his degree in 1956. Passing up an opportu nitv to \\ork for E.'O'on Mobil in Atlanta, Ga., E\ erett re turned to Ot,,>catur where be







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