2014 Combined
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t- en :::> <( ~ Q .EC transfer students.eatn .:h~gheSf GP As IHL report shows East ....... mr ,.._,n · S:baf\ \WiJ Central students are successful on next level Stewart added, "This data, com 1d reported by IHL, con.firms the of our college's dedication to Stu- :r\'ices and Teaching and Learning,
tW1) h.11lmark· commitments of 2020 Visio~ our strategic plan for the future. Ou1 1\!l ulty and staff are preparing East Cl'.ntnal 1ransfer students well for the aca dc111i~ l'hallenges of a university, and bao.;n.l t" the perfonnance of our transfer sh1dn!h, no one does that any better!" I 1 .1 <'cntral Community College offers th!! fw.1 two years of a four-year degree for 111111 l' than 20 I DECATUR - Students who transfer from East Central Community College to four-year institutions are once again rec ognized for academic success, according to a recent report from Mississippi's Insti tutions ofHigher Leaming (IlIL). Results from the 11 IL report revealed m:=t. . , that transfer students from ECCC achieved a 3.22 grade poipt average, These East Central Community College sophomores received transfer scholarships to the Uni which represents the highest cumulative versity of Mississippi. Pictured are (from left) Greg Mitchell of Meridian, FeHCia Robinson of grade point average of all community col- Hickory, Brianna Parkman of Lake and Allie Killens of Saltillo. At right is Ole Miss representa lege transfers at the state's eight public, tive Tyler Biggs who made the presentation. four-year institutions. . . . The report again showed that commu "native" students earned a 3.09 GPA. ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart said he was "elated and proud" at the news that East Central Community College students are once again recognized for academic Studei;its from the co~munity/juntor nity college transfer students performed college m second place earned a 3· 1.7 academically as well or better in universi GPA, and the ave.rage for all 15 commuru- ty courses than students who began their ty colleges combined was a 3.12 GPA. education at the senior institutions. The u 0.. <( f 7 :::> 0 0 z 0 ~ w z 0 ._ 0::: 0 u.. 0 t o::: Q.. en ~ .._ en z <( 0 ex:: w ~ z 0 w ex:: <( w Q.. Q.. <( <( ~ <( :x: t cx:: <( 0
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