2014 Combined
Supervisors hear great news regardl~
Senator Giles Ward, well as changes in the Senator Burton, and grading scale and the Representative Bounds late registration the school will receive process. an additional $400,000 · Stewart then asked next year.· "Of that, to board members to $100,000 is earmarked review a section in the toward a certain proj- booklets he provided ect," Stewart said. "But earlier that was $300,000, we used all marked "Winston of that for salaries." County Financial Stewart went on to Data." The first thing give the board mem- he mentioned regard bers more statistics ing this section was regarding the school, Meridian Community including a Tuition College President Scott Gap Filler Scholarship, Elliot contacted him a the groundbreaking of few weeks ago about an artificial turf field, entering into a consor and various campus tium grant application, projects. along with Bill Stewart also men- Crawford and The tioned to the board Montgomery Institute, about an initiative that to help the citizens of the school's Board of Winston County. Trustees has adopted, Stewart stated he which full-time enroll- informed Elliot he ment status has would be glad to do so. changed from 12 hours Stewart went on to to 15 hours. This say after an initial means to be considered meeting with a full-time student at Crawford, it was deter ECCC, they must reg- mined that the only ister for 15 hours per qualifying entity that semester. qualified for this grant "We used to require was Roseburg, the 62 hours to graduate,\ plant that closed down. but now it will be 60," However, after a Stewart said. "The rea- review of the terms of son this is important is the grant, it was deter because if a student mined that they were came to us and only not going for the con took 12 hours a semes- sortium part of the ter they would only grant. Stewart said he ha~e 48 hours after thought that without two years, 14 hours the consortium, they short qf J?twmatiw." ~d not apply for the
By Daniel Brunt} The Winston County Journal
Stewart mentioned was that this past February, the school was full, meaning that the dorms had full capacity for this upcoming fall semes ter. Stewart then men tioned how in 1998 the Board of Supervisors was very supportive of building a new dorm. "Every year, the board has had set the amount of approxi mately $35,000 a year that you give the col lege to help pay off the Barber Hall loan," Stewart said. "Other counties do the same, with many doing it by millage. We have always applied the original millage to the loan. In many years, as the value has increased the millage is worth more. Meaning we made payments towards the principal. We took out a 25-year loan, which should be paid off in the year 2023. But I am here to tell you that there is a possibility that we will pay it off next year, which would save the counties over $250,000 of interest in over the course of that loan." That is when Stewart asked the supervisors to consider assistin ~ the school in constr.r ing an~!~~-r n~w d" ,.
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The Wmston County Board of Supervisors handled a large agenda during their meeting on June 16 at the Win:,. ton County Courthouse. The first business of the day for the board was to speak with East Central Community College President Dr. Billy Stewart. Stewart gave the board a report of the school's latest projects, status, and overall direction their administration is tak ing the school in the upcoming future. Stewart first expressed his apprecia tion of all the supervi sors who served on the board, as well as express his excitement about the news received about ECCC. Stewart informed the board of a recent news paper article than ran in the Clarion Ledger that showed how Mississippi's comm.uni ty colleges ranked. Stewart was proud to tell the board that according to the article, ECCC is the #1 com munity college in the State of Mississiooi.
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