2014 Combined
CLIP FTLE SU>.-livlARY Maudean Sanders cele6rates Grandchildren, gardening
1997), is the assistant softball coach at Neshoba Central High School and she plans to attend his games as well. "He still likes his mother lo attend his events, whether he is playing or coach," she added. Gardening is the activity she shares with oldest son Reid. "I plan to have a garden. I love to be outside...Reid (ECCC Class of 1993) is a great gardener. He plants and keeps all the grass out and I pick and put the vegetables in the freezer or can them. Green beans can not be frozen!" she noted. The "land down under'' begins her travels as she has already picked Australia as her first destination in August. When reflecting upon her upcoming retirement, Sanders said among her first thoughts was "'Where did all the years ')" go. ln addition co her 2 l years at East Central. Sanders soent 10
years with the Choctaw Tribal Schools as a teacher and staff development/accreditation coordinator. She began her career with the Neshoba County School System, where she taught elementary and mid dle school for four years. "I'll miss my friends, but I won't have to get up at 6 a.m. to come to work! However, I wonder if I will, financially, be able lo do all the things I want to do!" Although she is stepping away after 35 years, Sanders said she never considered another career path. "I Jove education, and I love teaching," she said. "I never thought I would be anything else." Perhaps her love of educa
and travels wilJ be at the top of Maudean Sanders "to-do" list following her retirement from East Central Community College on April 30. 2014. Sanders has served as Dean of institutional Effectiveness since July 2006. She previously served as Assistant Dean of Career-Technical Education and began her employment as Tech Prep Coordinator in 1993. Jn addition, she has taught adjunct classes in Early Childhood Education since 2001. "I plan to spend more time with my family," she said when asked about retirement plans. "I have five grandchildren playing summer sports. My oldest ] grandson is on a traveling base ball team, Legends, out of Jackson and I plan to travel with the family to the games... Sanders youngest son, Zachary (ECCC Class of
tion came from those teachers whom she said influenced her most. "Some of the special people who influenced my life were recent retirement
Scott County Times -
Maxine Dunn, my first and second grade teacher at Arlington; Leland Harrison, my high school principal at Neshoba
Spirit of LV[orton Central: Carrie Ann --- Alford, my high school English reacher also at Neshoba Central: Prentice Copeland, for~ \Vinston County Journ mer Neshoba County Superintendent of
Education; and Ruth Hull, one of my instruc tors at East Central
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Junior College; and John -- Adcock, former Director of Career-Technical Education at East Central." As with many retiring Maudean Sanders, a Neshoba County native, recently retired from educators who look back East Central Community College in Decatur. over a .long career,
Sanders said her greatest enjoy ment has come from the people. "The greatest joys of my career have been the students and the people I have had the
privilege to work with " Sanders said. ' In additfon to her sons Sanders family includes he; husband, Tommy M. Sanders,
who she met at ECJC in 1969ยท daughter-in-law, Winde~ Sanders; and grandchildren Sarah, Clay, Blake, Sam and Sadee.
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