2014 Combined
WEEK OF )j() ~I I lli \'J
ECCC plans no increase in tuition for 2014-15 school year
programs will be providing opportunities for students to earn stackable creden tials through national certi fication testing. Therefore, the college is planning an increase in fees associated with certification
From school reports
tration sessions are sched uled this summer for new and transfer students plan ning to attend the fall 2014 semester. The first session will be held Saturday, June 7. Addi tional sessions are sched uled Friday, June 20; Friday, July 11; and Friday, August 8. Fall classes start Monday August 18. For more information, contact ECCC Student Serv ices, at 601-635-6205 or email rlee@eccc.edu. He noted that contingen cies within the budget have been incorporated should the enrollment increase not materialize. He said the col lege will monitor actual en rollment figures and make changes as needed. Stewart also explained that in an effort to address an action plan in 2020 Vi sion regarding coherent, structured educational pathways, several clas~es within Workforce Education
Tuition will remain the same for the upcoming school year at East Central Community College in De catur, announced ECCC President Billy Stew art.
testing in selected Workforce Educa tion classes. East Central, which serves Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Winston cpunties, offers one of the lowest tuition
Stewart made the announcement follow ing the May 13 meet ing of the ECCC Board of Trustees, which approved his request not to raise costs to attend the two-year institution
Stewarf added, "We hope that our decision to not in crease tuition and fees will allow more individuals to take advantage of the won derful educational opportu nities East Central has to offer. We are working hard in every aspect of college operations to be viewed lo cally as the preferred ~te way to higher education and training for residents of east central Mississippi due to our focus on students and their success and our com mitment to communities and their development.'' Several orientatioil!regis
and fee schedules among the state's 15 community and junior col leges. Tuition for in-state stu dents will remain at $990 per semester. Students who reside out of state or out of country will continue to pay an additional $1,050 per se mester. Dormitory fees remain at $675 per semester for all dorms except Barber Hall, where the fee is $775 per se mester. The two mear plans of fered at EC will also remain the same. A five-day meal plan costs $790 per semes ter. Students who prefer a seven-day meal plan will pay $970 per semester.
this year. His recommendation not to raise tuition and general student fees is based on the proposed FY2015 E&G Budget, which is built upon a projected increase in state appropriations and student enrollment. "The 2014 Mississippi leg islature increased appropri ations to community colleges by 4.6 percent which is proving very help ful in our goal to maintain our current charge for tu ition. We appreciate their continued support of our college and the community college system," Stewart said. "In addition, based on preliminary enrollment re ports, the College budgeted for an anticipated enroll Al ment increase of 100 tu dents in FY2015."
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