2014 Combined
Services set for today in Decatur for former ECCC President Eddie Smith Servic es are
numerous areas, especially in enrollment, program offerings, campus facilities and workforce education and training. He also led the college through two re accreditations by the Souchem Association of Colleges and Schools. An increased emphasis was placed on recruiting students of all ages. As a result of a closely followed recruitment and reten tion plan, enrollment increased each of his 15 years at the helm. Serving students remained Dr. Smith's top priority throughout his administration. The Student Union Building bears his named in recognition of his dedication to providing the best education and college experience for students of all ages. East Central began offering programs in the health-related field during his administration. Those programs include surgi cal technology, licensed practi cal nursing, and associate degree nursing. The college also increased its evening class schedule by offering classes at locations throughout the five-county dis trict t~,assist students with their educational needs. Various renovations of col lege buildings and additions to the Decatur campus were also made during this period. East Central purchased the former Newton County High School property (earlier Decatur High School) and made eKtensive renovations The area is now referred to as South Campus and includes classrooms and ~aborntOI') space. iaculcy offices. and a library for the Town of Decatur. New buildings constructed under Dr. Smith's leadership included the Associate Degree Nursing/Child Care Technolo gy Building (now named for former ECCC Preside11t Dr. Phil A. Sutphin), the Workforce Development Center (previous ly referred to as the Skill!I'ecb One-Stop Career Center), Erma
Lee Barber Hall (named in honor of the former dean of women) and the Student Union (named in honor of Dr. Smith). Efforts in workforce educa tion and training continue at the college, as various services are provided individuals, business es and industries in skills train ing, career counseling, job placement and customized per sonal development. The college also increased its efforts in the area of alumni relations and fundraising with the creation of the Office of Development and Alumni Rela tions. Among projects spon sored through the Foundation include the Welcome Home Archway and electronic mar quee. The archway is a re-cre ation of a similar structure that greeted campus visitors from 1950 to the early 1970s. The Warrior,the college's alumni publications, began publication early in the early years of the Smith administration and is still published today. In the area of athletics, new sports added during Dr. Smith's presidency included women's softball and men's soccer. Rodeo competition also began as an intercollegiate but has since been discontinued. A graduate of Noxapater
scheduled at 11 a.m. Wednes d a y a t Clarke Venable Bapti s t Church in Decatur for former East Cen tral Com
Eddie Smith
munity College President Dr. Eddie M. Smith. Visitation will be held from 9 to 11 a.m., also at Clarke-Venable. Dr. Smith died Monday at his home in Decatur, following a lengthy illness. Dr. Billy Stewart, president of East Central, said, "Our col lege and community lost a great man earlier today. Dr. Smith served as president of this insti tution with honor, integrity, and a commitment to excellence for 15 years. "He left an indelible mark on East Central Community College and on the lives of those who were fortunate to know him. We are a stronger and better institution today because of Dr. Smith's leader ship. Our thoughts and prayers are \\ ith his wife, Charlotte, and daughters, Kelli and Wendy." Dr. Smith, 71, led the institu tion from J 985 to 2000 and ened his alma mater as its sixth p~ident. Ovid Vickers, retired ECCC faculh member. said of his for
High School, Dr. Smith received an associate's degree from ECCC and earned bache lor and master degrees from Mississippi State University, and a doctorate from the lJni ve~ity of Southern Mi sis ·ippi. He was married t the frr mer Charlotte 1- ,O\I. e~ o; :-.;ai.chez. He had two daughters, T --~-- Dr. Kelli Smith, a family med- _ ical physician with Magee : S ------ Medical and Surgical Group in Magee; and Wendy Smith, who :)URNAL ___
Ap PE AR l mer student and fellow educa tor ·-or. S01Jch w~ a devoted CARTHAi f~y man and a.de~out Chris llan, who~ conmbuuons to the NEWTO~ Mississippi Community Col lege System are too numerous 0 to list. He was a very dedicated SPIRIT educator and had devoted his ME RI DIA life to the process of educ~tion . He served well as che President ofECCC." During Dr. Smith's tenure, the college experienced unprecedented growth in
serves as director of choral and music instruction at East Mis- sissippi Community College in Scooba. Milling Funeral Home in Union is in charge of arrange ments, which are incomplete at this time.
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