2014 Combined

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\i Cliburn named workforce education instructor of the year ·- . ~- - ~:'i

East Central Community the Academy Award , 'you ulty and Staff Association. .1 College in Decatur named like me, right now, you like Previously, she served as8 Sherri Byars Cliburn of me,"' she said. vice president for two Union as the 2014 Work- Cliburn has erved a ca- years, secretary for a year force Education Instructor reer technical support and program chair for four of the Year." services instructor in read- years. CI i burn ing since 2000. Currently, she is serving said she Before being employed as chairperson for the Lit knew she at the college, she taught erary Commfttee and she wanted to fourth grade at Union Ele- bas been a sponsor for be in the mentary School and gifted SkillsUSA for eight years. class room education at Neshoba Cen- She is a member of the since she tral Elementary School. Union Chamber of Com was in first "I love EC and the people merce, International Read grade. Cliburn that work here. The Work- ing Association and State "It was the force Education Division is Affiliate Challenge Master most excit- my extended family and for for Destination Imagina ing place that I could imag- this I am truly grate!ul," tion, an international prob ine. I rode the bus home, she said. !em-solving competition. pulled out the Fisher-Price She said Wanda Byars Cliburn holds a bache schoolhouse (complete had a great impact on her lor's degree in elementary with a tiny chalkboard) career. education from Mississippi and forced my 3-year-old "Aunt Wanda taught State Unjversity. si ter to be my class. Obvi- first grade for 42 years, yet A member of First Pres ously, she needed to share she never lost her passion byterian Church of Union, in the fun," she aid. for teaching," she said. she serves as vacation "School is still an excit- "Every child was special to Bible school director and ing place and teaching al- her. The students continue vice president of Women in lows me to share my to be what T like most the Church. passion for learning with about education. 1 delight She is married to Gene others. For me, education in looking into the eyes of Cliburn and they have five was the only real choice." someone at the exact mo- children: Erin, Logan, Car Cliburn said she is meot that he or she under- oline, Byars and Molly touched and honored to re- stands what is being Catherine. They also have ceh·e uch an honor. taught." two grandsons, Mason and ..I feel unworthy and a She is serving her sec- Asher. Cliburn is the bit like Sally Field when ond term as president of daughter of Hal and Myra she told the audience at the Administration, Fae- Byars of Philadelphia.








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