2014 Combined
WEEK OF _____ .l. ::. '..>.,:.._ __
Vickers to present at Smithsonian exhibit
I lis storit's, essays and poems have appeared in both scholarly journals and popu lar publications such as ::;outhern Living M~zine. His poetry is included in 8Jl
"\\ From school reports Dl~CA'flJH - Ovid Vickers, rdir<'d East Central Commu nity C'ollt'gt' Engiish imitructor aud local historian/author. "ill di!:Cll-s" ··work in Litera ture" during a special presen tation <'heduled Tuesday. Mareb :!5, on the Decatur t'Wnpu . Vkk(·~ ·· remarks begin at 2 p m. in the Molly McGee Gold Hoom in J\tabry ~femorial Cafeteria. Hi Work in Literature com ment arc among several pre sentations being held as part of Thci \Va~ We Workl'd, a Traveling Smithsonian Ex hibit hoi:;ted hy ECCC through rriday, March 28. The exhibit i on display in the Gordon Room of ~labry Memorial ('afdt'l'IU. For 10 Yl'fU'R, Vickers was a foc111ly nicmbt•r at East Cen tral Community Collrge, but his interests and literary ac tivity haw ranged far beyond tlw dass1·00111. Ht• is a recognizcl writer in the field of folklore as Wt'll as a puhlistmd poet. a freelance anthology of Mississippi writers, which is no\\ used as a textbook in ~tlssissippi high si:·hools. For many yenr.;, he has to groups a1'ross spoken Vickers the stall' a-: a member of the Speakrrs' Bureau of the ~lis sissippi Hunumitie" Council Although he bas been rec ognized as a writer and !'>peakE'r, \'irkers is quick to polnt out that he i<.J first and foremost a dasqroom teacher. HP rt•adlly admit!- that his greatl'sl pleasure is exchang ing idNts with a room full of young people who have a love for IE'arning. i''or more information or to scht•dulc a lour of The \Vay We Worked exhibit. call 601 fi:if>-H20'2 or t)O t -G:3~2"2R APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT CARTHAGINIAN ------ ~~~~~~~~~ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL --- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ]~- SPIRIT OF MORTON -~~~-~----- CLARION-LEDGER MERIDIAN STAR ------~- ~~~~---~~
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