2014 Combined

WEEK OF---------

Williams served the past year as an instructor of emergency medical technology at Copiah-Lincoln Commu nity College in Wesson. He also has 10 years of experience in emer

William~. • Jeremiah Tindol of Philadelphia has been granted the Kincannon award and an Alumni award in the amount of $4,600 to attend The W in the fall. Tindol is currently a high school senior at Newton County Academy. • Daniele Brock was recently selected director of Housing and Student Activities at East Central Community College in Decatur. Brock, who officially

gency medical services, having served as a field paramedic for AAA Ambulance Services from 2003-2011. He also served the past two years as a field para


began her new duties in December 2013, previ ously hdd the position on an interim basis ince Aug. 12. 2013. Brock, who also sen es a... an adjunct in tructor at ECCC, is a former elementary and secondary education

medic and educational liaison to Copiah County for Hardy Wilson Memorial Hos pital. A 2002 graduate of Stringer High School, Williams received an associate of applied science degree at Jones County Junior College in Ellisville in 2008 and earned a bachelor of health science degree from the University of Mississippi in Oxford in December 2013. He is cur rently pursuing a master's degree in health science from Ole Miss. He is married to the former Jessica Cagle of Collins. Williams is the son of Carla and Jerry Moore of Bay Springs and the late Mike Williams, also of Bay Springs. • Brody Richardson ofLouisville is the 2013-14 recipient of the Sylvia Graham Haywood Memorial Scholarship provided at East Central Community Col


teacher....erving in ...chool... in Tenne:-:.see and Georgia. She is al o a former high school choral director. Prior to joining the ECCC staff, Brock ... rved a... Wor,hip Leader/Music Dil"ector at Folk::,ton United Methodist Church in Folkston, Ga.• from August 2010 to June 2013. Brock. a native of Mountain City, 1': n.. received a bachelor's degree in mu ... i from Carson-Newman College in Jeffer...on City, Tenn.. in 1991, and earned a ma,,ter':- degree in post-secondary edu cation from Troy University in Brun...\\ick, Ga., in 2010. She completed an education specialist degree from Val do ta ~late University in Valdosta, Ga., in 2012. he j... married to Scott Brock, who serve a' defensive coordinator and line backers coach for the Warrior football team. They have a daughter, Makaeya, a 10th grader; and a son, Brooks, a sev enth-grader, who both attend Newton County :-,choob. • l\Iichael ..Eric" Williams of Bav pring::. wa:. recently selected director of the EMT-Paramedic Technology Pro gram at Ea. .. t Central Community College in Decatur. William:-,, who also "-erves as program instructor, began his new duties on Jan. 2. Prior to joining the ECCC faculty,

lege in Decatur. Richardson is a

freshman liberal arts major from Winston Academy. The scholarship was established by Mrs. Haywood's husband, Dr. William Thomas Haywood, who served as ECCC business man ager and accounting instructor from 1951-58.


Mrs. Haywood, a member of the ECCC Class of 1954, served as editor of the Wo He-Lo yearbook. performed v.ith the Madrigal-- and v.:a:. ,.,elected May Queen. She Web an En lbh teacher and later expenenced a successful career as an attorney before losing her battle with cancer at age 4~ in 1984.



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