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East Central to showcase basketball squads at 'Haunted House of Hoops'
from school reports
nity College. Game times are 6 and 8 p.m. in Brackeen-Wood. Entertainment for the "Haunted House of Hoops" will be provided by the Centralettes, the dance line for the Wall 0' Sound Marching Band; the Wall 0' Sound Drum Une; and cheerleading squad. "Trick or treat" candy will be available for young– sters and a costume con– test will be held for EC students. There is no charge for admission and the public is invited to attend.
point shooting contest Team members will be introduced by their respec– tive head coaches, first– year head mentor Crandal Porter, who takes over the women after a successful tenure coaching girls and Bowie, who begins hls sev– enth year at the of the East Central men. The East Central teams begin season action by traveling to Coahoma Community College on Thursday. The home opener is sch eduled Nov. 12 with Holmes Commu- boys at Newton High School, and Maurice
DECATUR- A pre– view of East Central Cpm– munity College's basket– ball talent for the 2012-13 campaign will be avail– able Tuesday when the annual "Haunted House of Hoops" · is held at 6 p.m. in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. Brief scrimmages by the ECCC women and men will highlight the event, which also includes a 3-
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