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' ~ ECCC '·.Selects Porter to ·'lead women'·., . i § Crandal Porter of "He brings a passion for Newton is the new succes.s to the program, women's head basketball and the committee and I 1 0 z Meridian Star's Boys' J:(J 0 Coach of the Year in 2000, ~ · t; MAC Class 2A Girls' 0 Z Coach of the Year in 2005, i - . •. _ ___t _\ ;:
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ceed. I -like foli my. teams to ,play )1a~9. tO. be well prei>ared and I think that results in victories:" Porter served as girls' and boys' head basketball coach at Newton High School since 2001. He led the girls' squad to state Class 2A titles in 2005 and 2010. His Tiger squad cap– ture(! the state Class 2A ch~pionship in 2008. He began his success– ful career at his alma mater Louisville High School, where he served as boys' head basketball coach in 2000-01. Porter has compiled an overall ·494-216 record, which also includes seven
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coach at East Central feel that he will build on Community College in the standard and tradi– Decatur, announced tion of excellence estab– ECCC President Dr. Billy lished by so many previ- Stewart. ous coaches. Porter, who turned 38 "He's dedicated and on July 31, succeeds Billy he's committed to helping Smith who retired from ..,_ Ni p~ayers succeed on the the state system after A corrt and in the class– leading the Lady Warrior room; and for us, that's program for eight years. most important." Smith was recently Po~ter, a Louisville named girls' head basket- nati've; said taking over ball coach at Choctaw the Lady Warrior program Central High School. is a "dream job and for it Dr. Stewart stated to happen on my birthday, Coach Porter will be a it's the best present I great addition to the could have. I'm absolutely ECCC family. eltlted to be given this "Coach Porter has won opportunity!" several state champi- The new Lady Warrior onships at Newton and is head mentor described his very active in his commu- coaching style in one nity," said Dr. Stewart. word: passionate.
MS All-Star Girls' Coach in 2005, MS All-Star Boys' Coach in 2009 and MAC Girls' Coach of the Year in 2010. He was selected Newton 's Citizen of the Year in 2005. Porter received a Bachelor ofScience degree in Health, Education, Recreation and Dance from Mississippi Valley State University in 1998 and earned a Master 1 of Educational Leadership from Mississippi State University in 2010.
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"I definitely bring a lot of passion to the job," Porter stated. "Those who have seen me coach know I bring a passion for win– ning and a passion for helping my players sue-
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Porter is married to
division championships, the Crystal three South State titles Johnson of Newton . He and eight tournament has a daughter, Amber former
Jamerson Porter, 15.
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Honors include The
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