Wilbanks signs with ECCC Former Leake Academy bask et- the 2011 MAIS All-Star Game. She ball .stand out Jenny Wilbanks is also received All-State and District shown signin g a n a t ion al lett er of MVP h onors. Wilb anks scored 991 intent with East Central points her senior season and aver– Community College in Decatur. At aged 22.4 points per game. Pictured Leake Academy she received numer- with the new LadyWarrior are, from ous honors while playing for Coach left, standin g, her parents, Bobby Doyle Wolverton. She was selected and Lisa Wilbanks, and ECCC assis- 2010-11 MAIS Player of the Year and tant coach Britta Stephens. r •' ···~···· __.;•' •I, APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN__ / _ _ _ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT ________ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------- MERIDIAN STAR______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES-----– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ _ CLARION-LEDGER----- --
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